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praetorian meaning in Latin

praetorian [praetorians] noun
[UK: prɪ.ˈtɔː.rɪən]
[US: pri.ˈtɔː.riən]

praetorianus [praetoriani](2nd) M

praetorian adjective
[UK: prɪ.ˈtɔː.rɪən]
[US: pri.ˈtɔː.riən]

praetorianus [praetoriana, praetorianum]adjective

praetorius [praetoria, praetorium]adjective

praetorian-perfectly adjective

praefectianus [praefectiana, praefectianum]adjective

praetorian prefect noun

praefectianus [praefectiani](2nd) M

by / according to (praetorian) edict adjective

edictalis [edictalis, edictale]adjective

of / belonging to the praetorian cohorts / Imperial bodyguard adjective

praetorianus [praetoriana, praetorianum]adjective

of / pertaining to an imperial / praetorian bodyguard (cohort) adjective

chortalinus [chortalina, chortalinum]adjective

cohortalinus [cohortalina, cohortalinum]adjective

of the praetorian prefect adjective

praefectianus [praefectiana, praefectianum]adjective

soldier belonging to the praetorian cohorts / Imperial bodyguard noun

praetorianus [praetoriani](2nd) M