English | Latin |
brave [braver, bravest] (strong in the face of fear) adjective [UK: breɪv] [US: ˈbreɪv] | animosus, fortis, magnanimusadjective |
brave [braved, braving, braves] verb [UK: breɪv] [US: ˈbreɪv] | tento [tentare, tentavi, tentatus](1st) |
brave [braver, bravest] adjective [UK: breɪv] [US: ˈbreɪv] | valorosus [valorosa, valorosum]adjective |
brave, bold, noble in spirit (esp. kings / heroes) adjective | magnanimus [magnanima, magnanimum]adjective |
bravely adverb [UK: ˈbreɪ.vli] [US: ˈbreɪ.vli] | fortiter [fortius, fortissime]adverbGo and fight bravely. = Ite et fortiter pugnate. |
courage, bravery noun | militia [militiae](1st) F |
courage / bravery noun | virtus [virtutis](3rd) F |
good, honest, brave, noble, kind, pleasant, right, useful adjective | bonus [bona -um, melior -or -us, optimus -a -um]adjective |
good / moral / honest / brave man noun | bonus [boni](2nd) M |
good / moral / honest / brave woman noun | bona [bonae](1st) F |
manly, virile, brave, noble | |
manly, virile, brave, noble adjective | mas [(gen.), maris]adjective |
strong, powerful, mighty, vigorous, firm, steadfast, courageous, brave, bold adjective | fortis [forte, fortior -or -us, fortissimus -a -um]adjective |