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langer dünner ast meaning in Hungarian

I to ast your health [UK: ˈaɪ tuː ˈæst jɔː(r) helθ]
[US: ˈaɪ ˈtuː ˈæst ˈjɔːr ˈhelθ]

iszom az egészségedre

drink a to ast of (somebody) [UK: drɪŋk ə tuː ˈæst əv ˈsʌm.bə.di]
[US: ˈdrɪŋk ə ˈtuː ˈæst əv ˈsʌm.ˌbɑː.di]

iszik valaki egészségére

Would you like some to ast? [UK: wʊd juː ˈlaɪk sʌm tuː ˈæst]
[US: ˈwʊd ˈjuː ˈlaɪk ˈsəm ˈtuː ˈæst]

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