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entrusting meaning in Hungarian

entrusting is the inflected form of entrust.

entrust [entrusted, entrusting, entrusts] verb
[UK: ɪn.ˈtrʌst]
[US: en.ˈtrʌst]


valaki gondjaira bíz (valamit)ige

entrust (something to somebody) [entrusted, entrusting, entrusts] verb
[UK: ɪn.ˈtrʌst]
[US: en.ˈtrʌst]

bíz (valakire valamit)◼◼◼igeI wouldn't entrust John with such an important task. = Nem bíznám meg Johnt ilyen fontos feladattal.

entrust (with somebody) [entrusted, entrusting, entrusts] verb
[UK: ɪn.ˈtrʌst]
[US: en.ˈtrʌst]

megbíz (valamivel)◼◼◼ige