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canoes meaning in Hungarian

canoes is the inflected form of canoe.

canoe [canoed, canoeing, canoes] verb
[UK: kə.ˈnuː]
[US: kə.ˈnuː]

kenuzik◼◼◼igeJohn seldom goes canoeing by himself. = John ritkán megy kenuzni egyedül.

canoe (small long and narrow boat) [canoes] noun
[UK: kə.ˈnuː]
[US: kə.ˈnuː]

kenu◼◼◼főnévA giant wave flooded the canoe. = Egy óriási hullám terítette be a kenut.

canoe slalom [UK: kə.ˈnuː ˈslɑː.ləm]
[US: kə.ˈnuː sˈlɑː.ləm]


volcano [volcanoes] irregular noun
[UK: vɒlˈk.eɪ.nəʊ]
[US: valˈkeɪno.ʊ]

vulkán◼◼◼főnévThe volcano erupted. = Kitört a vulkán.

tűzhányó◼◼◻főnévThe volcano erupted. = A tűzhányó kitört.