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aptus meaning in Hungarian

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dühkitörés (raptus) főnév

burst of anger◼◼◼noun
[UK: bɜːst əv ˈæŋ.ɡə(r)] [US: ˈbɝːst əv ˈæŋ.ɡər]

kis vöcsök (Tachybaptus ruficollis) állatnév

little grebe [little grebes]◼◼◼animal name
[UK: ˈlɪt.l̩ ɡriːb] [US: ˈlɪt.l̩ ˈɡriːb]

dabchick (little grebe) [dabchicks]animal name
[UK: ˈdæb.tʃɪk] [US: ˈdæb.tʃɪk]