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mr. and mrs. meaning in Dutch

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Bij de reservatie of de inschrijving wordt een contract opgesteld naar het model van de reder.
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trial-and-error substantief

trial and error(solution by learning from mistakes)
[UK: ˈtraɪəl ənd ˈe.rə(r)] [US: ˈtraɪəl ænd ˈe.rər]

drum and bass substantief

drum and bass(genre of electronic music)

bed and breakfast substantief

bed and breakfast(guesthouse providing breakfast)
[UK: bed ənd ˈbrek.fəst] [US: ˈbed ænd ˈbrek.fəst]

look-and-feel substantief

look and feel(visual design and behaviour of a user interface)

between plague and cholera) preposition

between a rock and a hard place(having the choice between two unpleasant options)

or use auxiliary hebben with inversion and maar phrase

I wish(I would very much like that to be so)

or use auxiliary hebben with inversion and maar voegwoord

if only(signifies a wish)
[UK: ɪf ˈəʊn.li] [US: ˈɪf ˈoʊn.li]

we would sit by the hole on the frozen lake and fish for hours. - 's winters zaten we bij het gat in het bevroren meer en visten we urenlang. werkwoord

would(indicating an action in the past that happened repeatedly or commonly)
[UK: wʊd] [US: ˈwʊd]