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de- meaning in English

de overwinning voor de poorten van de hel wegslepen werkwoord

snatch victory from the jaws of defeat(suddenly win a contest when it appears that loss is a foregone conclusion, to succeed in an endeavor through reversal of fortune, skill, effort, or good judgment)

de pijp uit gaan werkwoord

croak [croaked, croaking, croaks](slang: to die)
[UK: krəʊk] [US: kroʊk]

kick the bucket(to die)
[UK: ˈkɪk ðə ˈbʌkɪt] [US: ˈkɪk ðə ˈbʌkət]

de plicht roept phrase

duty calls(expresses that the speaker has something they must do)

de pot verwijt de ketel dat hij zwart ziet substantief

pot calling the kettle black(situation in which somebody accuses someone else of a fault shared by the accuser)
[UK: pɒt ˈkɔːl.ɪŋ ðə ˈket.l̩ blæk] [US: ˈpɑːt ˈkɒl.ɪŋ ðə ˈket.l̩ ˈblæk]

de praktijk zal het leren phrase

the proof of the pudding is in the eating(the only real test of something is as what it is intended to be used for)
[UK: ðə pruːf əv ðə ˈpʊd.ɪŋ ɪz ɪn ðə ˈiːt.ɪŋ] [US: ðə ˈpruːf əv ðə ˈpʊd.ɪŋ ˈɪz ɪn ðə ˈiːt.ɪŋ]

de puntjes op de i zetten werkwoord

dot the i's and cross the t's(Take care of every detail)

de put substantief

hole [holes](place where a prisoner is kept)
[UK: həʊl] [US: hoʊl]

de rangen sluiten werkwoord

close ranks(to regroup forces)

de rapen zijn gaar phrase

goose is cooked(all hope is gone)

de realiteit substantief

reality [realities](entirety of all that is real)
[UK: rɪ.ˈæ.lɪ.ti] [US: ri.ˈæ.lə.ti]

de realiteit onder ogen zien werkwoord

wake up and smell the coffee(to face reality and stop deluding oneself)

de rekening phrase

the bill, pleasephrase
[UK: ðə bɪl pliːz] [US: ðə ˈbɪl ˈpliːz]

de rest is geschiedenis phrase

the rest is history(used to indicate that one does not need to continue a story)

de ronde doen werkwoord

go about(to circulate (in))
[UK: ɡəʊ ə.ˈbaʊt] [US: ˈɡoʊ ə.ˈbaʊt]

de ronde tafel eigennam

Round Table(King Arthur's table)
proper noun
[UK: ˈraʊnd ˈteɪb.l̩] [US: ˈraʊnd ˈteɪb.l̩]

de Rubicon oversteken werkwoord

cross the Rubicon(to make an irreversible decision)

De Schone Slaapster eigennam

Sleeping Beauty(fairy tale)
proper noun
[UK: ˈsliːp.ɪŋ ˈbjuː.ti] [US: sˈliːp.ɪŋ ˈbjuː.ti]

de schouders ophalen werkwoord

shrug [shrugged, shrugging, shrugs](to raise the shoulders to express uncertainty, lack of concern, etc.)
[UK: ʃrʌɡ] [US: ˈʃrəɡ]

De Sont eigennam

Sound(strait that separates Zealand from Scania)
proper noun
[UK: ˈsaʊnd] [US: ˈsaʊnd]

de spijker op de kop slaan werkwoord

hit the nail on the head(identify something exactly)
[UK: hɪt ðə neɪl ɒn ðə hed] [US: ˈhɪt ðə ˈneɪl ɑːn ðə ˈhed]

de staart tussen de benen bijwoord

tail between one's legs(defeated; in a cowardly or miserable manner)

De Stem van Zuid-Afrika eigennam

The Call of South Africa(a former national anthem of South Africa)
proper noun

de sterren betreffend bijvoeglijk naamwoord

stellar(of, pertaining to, or characteristic of stars)
[UK: ˈste.lə(r)] [US: ˈste.lər]

de stervenden bijvoeglijk naamwoord

dying(approaching death, used as a substantive: those who are currently expiring)
[UK: ˈdaɪ.ɪŋ] [US: ˈdaɪ.ɪŋ]

de stok substantief

cane [canes](the cane: corporal punishment consisting of a beating with a cane)
[UK: keɪn] [US: ˈkeɪn]

de strijdbijl begraven werkwoord

bury the hatchet(to stop fighting or arguing)
[UK: ˈbe.ri ðə ˈhæ.tʃɪt] [US: ˈbe.ri ðə ˈhæ.tʃət]

de tafel dekken werkwoord

table [tabled, tabling, tables](to put on a table)
[UK: ˈteɪb.l̩] [US: ˈteɪb.l̩]

de tand des tijds doorstaan werkwoord

stand the test of time(remain useful over a long period)
[UK: stænd ðə ˈtest əv ˈtaɪm] [US: ˈstænd ðə ˈtest əv ˈtaɪm]

de teerling is geworpen phrase

the die is cast(conclusive action has been taken, so events will proceed in an irreversible manner)
[UK: ðə daɪ ɪz kɑːst] [US: ðə ˈdaɪ ˈɪz ˈkæst]

de tijd heelt alle wonden phrase

time heals all wounds(negative feelings eventually fade away)

de tijd nemen werkwoord

take one's time(go about something slowly and carefully)

take time(to volunteer to spend one's time)
[UK: teɪk ˈtaɪm] [US: ˈteɪk ˈtaɪm]

de tijd vliegt phrase

time flies(time seems to pass quickly)
[UK: ˈtaɪm flaɪz] [US: ˈtaɪm ˈflaɪz]

de tijd zal 't leren phrase

time will tell(results of an action cannot be known beforehand)
[UK: ˈtaɪm wɪl tel] [US: ˈtaɪm wɪl ˈtel]

de tijd zal het leren phrase

time will tell(results of an action cannot be known beforehand)
[UK: ˈtaɪm wɪl tel] [US: ˈtaɪm wɪl ˈtel]

de tong uitsteken werkwoord

stick one's tongue out(to push one's tongue out)

de uwe pronoun

yours(possessive pronoun, plural)
[UK: jɔːz] [US: ˈjʊrz]

de uwe; pronoun

thine(possessive pronoun)
[UK: ðaɪn] [US: ˈðaɪn]

de vier ruiters van de Apocalyps eigennam

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypseproper noun
[UK: fɔː(r) ˈhɔː.smən əv ðə ə.ˈpɒk.ə.lɪps] [US: ˈfɔːr ˈhɔːr.smən əv ðə ə.ˈpɑːk.ə.ˌlɪps]