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térdkalács alatti [infrapatellaris] betyder på svenska medicinsk

UngerskaSvenska medicinsk
térdkalács alatti [infrapatellaris, subpatellaris] infoinfrapatellar,situated below the patella or its ligament

infrapatellär -t -a

térdkalács alatti mély nyálkatömlő [bursa infrapatellaris profunda] infobursa infrapatellaris profunda, the bursa between the superior part of the tibia and the patellar ligament

djup bursa under knäskålen

singcsont térdkalács alatti kiemelkedése [tuberositas tibiae] infotuberosity of the tibia, tibial tuberosity, tibial tubercle, elevation on the proximal, anterior aspect of the tibia

upphöjning på skenbenet nedanför knäskål

térdkalács előtti izompólya alatti nyálkatömlő [bursa praepatellaris subfascialis] infosubfascial prepatellar bursa

prepatellär fascia under slemsäcken

térdkalács alatti bőr alatti nyálkatömlő [bursa subcutanea infrapatellaris] infosubcutaneous infrapatellar bursa protects the patellar tendon

slemsäck under huden nedanför knäskålen

térdkalács előtti bőr alatti nyálkatömlő [bursa praepatellaris subcutanea, bursa subcutanea prepatellaris] infobursa subcutanea prepatellaris

bursa på framsidan av knäskalen

térdkalács előtti bőnye alatti nyálkatömlő [bursa praepatellaris subaponeurotica] infoprepatellar subaponeurotic bursa

subaponeurotisk prepatellär bursa

térdkalács tartószalaga [retinaculum patellae] infopatellar retinaculum, a tendon of the knee

patellaretinakel patellaretinaklet

térdkalács törése [farctura patellae] infopatellar fracture, a break in the patella, kneecap, the small bone that sits at the front of the knee

fraktur på patella

térdkalács feletti [suprapatellaris] infosuprapatellar, situated above the kneecap

ovanför knäskålen

térdkalács előtti [praepatellaris] infoprepatellar, a bursa between the skin of the knee and the patella

framför knäskål

csiga alatti [infratrochlearis] infoinfratrochlear, below the trochlea

infratrochlear -t -a

pókhálóhártya alatti [subarachnoidalis] infosubarachnoid, beneath the arachnoid

under spindelvävshinnan

bőr alatti [pl. injekció elváltozás] [hypodermaticus, hypodermicus, subcutanus] infosubcutaneous, situated or applied under the skin

under huden

kulcscsont alatti [infraclavicularis, subclavicularis] infosubclavian, of, relating to, being, performed on, or inserted into a part [as an artery or vein] located under the clavicle

infraklavikulär -t -a

kötőhártya alatti [subconjunctivalis] infosubconjunctival, situated or occurring beneath the conjunctiva

under bindhinnan

gerinchúr alatti [pl. léc] [hypochordralis] infohypochordal, ventral to the spinal cord

nedan notokordeninfonedan ryggsträngen

rekesz alatti [hypodiaphragmaticus, hypophrenicus, subdiaphragmaticus, subphrenicus, postphrenicus] infosubphrenic, situated or occurring below the diaphragm

belägen under mellangärdet

mellhártya alatti [subpleuralis] infosubpleural, situated or occurring between the pleura and the body wall

under lungsäcken liggande

artéria alatti [hyparterialis] infohyparterial, situated under an artery

under arteria

húgyhólyag alatti [pl. szűkület] [infravesicalis] infoinfravesical, below the bladder

infravesikal -t -a

állkapocs alatti [submandibularis] infosubmandibular, situated beneath the jaw or mandible

under hakan

köröm alatti [subungualis] infosunungual, situated under the nail

under nageln

deltaizom alatti [subdeltoideus] infobeneath the deltoid

befintlig under deltamuskeln

szülés alatti [excessiv] vérzés afibrinogenaemiával társulva [intrapartum haemorrhage [excessive]associated with afibrinogenaemia] infointrapartum fibrinolysis

fibrinolys intrapartum

szegycsont alatti [infrasternalis, substernalis] infounder the breastbonem under the sternum

under bröstbenet

nyelvcsont alatti [subhyoideus] infosubhyoideus, situated under hyoid bone

under hyoidben

halántékcsont alatti [infratemporalis] infoinfratemporal, situated below the temporal fossa

infratemporal -t -a

emlő alatti [inframammalis] infoinframammary, situated or occurring below the mammary gland

under bröstet

hüvely alatti [subvaginalis] infosubvaginal, located below the vagina

belägen under slidan

izom alatt[i] [submuscularis] infosubmuscular, situated under the muscle

under muskel

lapockatövis alatti [infraspinatus] infobeing under spine

under bogspets

rekesz alatti [subdiaphragmaticus, subphrenicus, postphrenicus] infosubdiaphragmatic, situated under the diaphragm

under mellangärde

térdkalács rostos porca [fibrocartilago patellae] infopatellar fibrocartilage

fibrös broskvävnad av patella

térdkalács előtti nyálkatömlő [bursa praepatellaris] infoprepatellar bursa, located superficially between the skin and the patella

prepatellär bursa

térdkalács-combcsonti ízület [articulatio patellofemoralis] infopatellofemoral joint, a diarthrodial plane joint that consists of the posterior surface of the patella and the trochlear surface of the distal anterior femur

patellofemoralled -en -er

térdkalács megismétlődő ficamodása [habitualis patella-luxatio] infohabitual dislocation of patella, the patella dislocates whenever the knee is flexed and spontaneously relocates with extension of the knee

habitual patellar luxation

térdkalács középső tartószalaga [retinaculum patellae mediale] infomedial patellar retinaculum, the soft tissue restraint on the medial side of the patella

mellersta patellaretinakel

térdkalács oldalsó tartószalaga [retinaculum patellae laterale] infolateral retinaculum of the patella, the fibrous tissue on the outer side of thepatella

lateralt patellaretinakel

térdkalács belső tartószalagja [retinaculum patellae mediale] infomedial patellar retinaculum, the soft tissue restraint on the medial side of the patella

medialt patellaretinakel