Ungersk-Svenska medicinsk ordbok »

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UngerskaSvenska medicinsk
abszolút ratartalom · abszolút nedvességtartalom infoabsolute humidity

absolut fuktighet

abszorpciós rna [pulvinus absorbens] infoabsorption pad

absorbtionsdyna -n absorbtionsdynor

Addison kóros beteg · addisonos ciens [patiens cum morbu Addisoni] infoAddison patient

Addisonpatient -en -er

adenotia · mirigy megbetegedése · nyirokcsomó megbetegedése · nyirokmirigy megbetegedése [adenopathia] infoadenopathy

adenopati -[e]n -er

adreno-mieloneurotia [adrenomyeloneuropathia, adrenoleukodystrophia, Schilder-Addison complex, ALD] infoa form of X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy, adrenomyeloneuropathy [AMN]

adrenomyeloneuropati -[e]n -er

afferens lyarendszer infoafferent nervous system

afferenta bansysteminfonervös

afferens lyák infoafferent neural pathways

afferenta banorinfonervös

agorafóbia nikrohamokkal [agoraphobia] infoagoraphobia with panic attacks

agorafobi med panikattacker

agylya · kapcsolóöv · homloklebeny · övtekervény[gyrus cinguli, cingulum] infocingulum, a curved bundle of nerve fibres in each hemisphere of the brain

gördelbana -n gördelbanorinfogördelvinding, gördelformade associationsbana

agytörzsi egyedüli vezetőlya [tractus solitarius,TS] infosolitary tract [sol], a heavily myelinated fiber bundle that extends from the level of the facial nucleus up to the spinal cord

hjärnstammens enkel trakt

AIDS-ciens infoAIDS patient

aidspatient -en -erinfoAIDS-patient

AIDS-szel kapcsolatos nefrotia [nephropathia in AIDS] infoHIV-associated nephropathy [HIVAN]

AIDS-associerad nefropati

ajakzugok killása [intertrigo labialis] infoangular cheilitis, a common skin condition affecting the corners of the mouth

angulär chelit

akrilát harasemelő sín [T] inforemovable acrylate cover

akryl bettskenainfoavtagbart plastskydd: avlastar och skyddar tänderna om man gnisslar l. pressar ihop dem

akrotia [acropathia] infoacropathy, a disease affecting the extremities

akropati -[e]n -erinfosubperiosteal bentillväxt

akut interstitiális nefrotia [nephropathia interstitialis acuta] infoacute interstitial nephropathy

acut interstitiell nefropati

alkoholfetotia [foetopathia alcoholica] infoalcoholic fetopathy, alcohol damage to the fetus

alkoholfetopati -[e]n -erinfoalkoholskada på fostret

alkoholos kardiomiotia [cardiomyopathia alcoholica] infoalcoholic cardiomyopathy, the heart changes shape because of long-term heavy alcohol use

alkoholkardiomyopati -[e]n -er

alkoholos miotia [myopathia alcoholica] infoalcoholic myopathy, loss of function and strength in the skeletal muscles in response to long-term or heavy drinking

alkoholymyopati -[e]n -er -erinfoalkoholinducerad muskelskada

allotia [allopathia] infoallopathy, biomedicine, conventional medicine, mainstream medicine, orthodox medicine, and Western medicine

allopati -[e]n -er

allotiás [allopathicus] infopertaining to allopathic

allopatisk -t -a

alsó hosszú asszociációs lya [fasciculus longitudinalis inferior] infoinferior longitudinal fasciculus, ILF, a white matter tract that connects the occipital and the temporal lobes

längsgående nedre associationsbanan

alsó állkapocs csökevényes fejlettsége · hibás illeszkedésű, hiányos v. kényszerharasos fogazat [f.r.] [brachygnathia, dysgnathia, micrognathia, prognathia] infodysgnathia, any abnormality that extends beyond the teeth and includes the maxilla or mandible

dysgnati -ninfofelaktig bett

amiloid nefrotia [nephropathia amyloida] infoamyloid nephropathy

amyloidnefropati -[e]n -erinfonjursjukdom med amyloidutfällning, renal amyloidosis

angiokardiotia [angiocardiopathia] infoangiocardiopathy, a disease affecting the heart and the blood vessel

angiokardiopati -[e]n -erinfokärl- o. hjärtsjukdomar

angiotia [angiopathia, vasopathia] infoangiopathy, disease of the arteries, veins, and capillaries

angiopati -[e]n -erinfoperifer kärlsjukdom

anterolaterális lyarendszer [systema meati anterolateralis] infoanterolateral pathway system

anterolaterala bansystemet

anticitoros hányás [anticipatory vomiting] infoanticipatory vomiting

anticipatorisk kräkninginfokräkning orsakad av befarade obehag

anticitoros szorongás · előrevetített szorongás infoanticipatory anxiety, anticipated anxiety

anticipatorisk ångestinfoförväntansoro

anális rnázottság infoanal padding

analkudde -n analkuddarinforektal vasokonstriktion, anal kudde, pulvinar anale

anémiás ciens [patiens an[a]emicus] infoanemic patient

anemipatient -en -erinfoanemisk patient

apatit asszociált destruktiv arthritis · apatit-artrotia · hydroxi-apatit lerakódásos betegség · Milwaukee váll-térd-szindróma infoMilwaukee shoulder syndrome, a rare and destructive form of arthropathy mainly in elderly women

apatitartropati -[e]n -er

acatérd · háziasszonytérd · parkettázók térde [bursitis subcutanea praepatellaris] infoprepatellar bursitis, housemaid's knee or carpenter's knee, inflammation of the bursa in the front of the kneecap

prepatellär bursitinfohusa knä, takläggare knä, matta lager knä, prepatellarbursit

atiás gyengeelméjűség [olygophrenia torpida] infotorpid olygophrenia

apatisk oligofreni

atiás · kórosan közömbös [apathicus, indolens, inert] infoapathetic

apatisk -t -a

aranyfólia · aranyfüst · aranylap · kalalt arany · vékony aranylemez [T] infogold foil, gold beaten or rolled out very thin, sheets of gold slightly thicker than gold leaf

bladguld -et -

archaras infoface bite

ansiktsbett -et -

arcrna infoprone position cushion, prone position pillow

bukläge kudde

artikulációs lya · rágólya [via masticatoria] infoarticulation pathway, chewing parhway

ocklusal väg

artrotia · ízületi bántalom · ízületbetegség [arthropathia] infoarthropathy, a joint disease, of which arthritis is a type

artropati -n -erinfoledsjukdom