Ungersk-Svenska medicinsk ordbok »

mellkasi ... [thoraco...] betyder på svenska medicinsk

UngerskaSvenska medicinsk
mellkasi tónus infochest tone, chest register, chest voice, the lower ranges of the voice in speaking or singin

bröstklang -en -erinfofyllig, starkt ljudande klang

mellkasi fertőzés [infectio pectoralis] infochest infection

bröstinfektion -en -er

mellkasi aneszteziológus infothoracic anesthesiologist

thoraxanestesiolog -en -er

mellkasi légzés [respiratio thoracica] infoshallow breathing, thoracic breathing, costal breathing, chest breathing, the drawing of minimal breath into the lungs

bröstkorg andning

mellkasi aorta [aorta thoracica] infothoracic aorta, the part of the aorta that lies in the thorax and extends from the arch to the diaphragm

bröst aorta

mellkasi fájdalom [dolor thoracis, stethalgia] infochest pain

bröstvärk -en -ar

mellkasi izzadmány [exsudatum pleuriticum] infopleuritic exudation, pleural effusion, 'water on the lungs', the build-up of excess fluid between the layers of the pleura outside the lungs

exsudat i intratorakala kaviteten

mellkasi aortaaneurizma [aneurisma aortae thoracalis] infothoracic aortic aneurysm, a weakened area in the upper part of the aorta

aneurysm i thorakalaorta

mellkasi beszéd [pectoriloquy] infopectoriloquy, whispered pectoriloquy, test for lung consolidation

viskade pectoriloquyinfoviskad pectoriloquy

mellkasi beavatkozás [interventio-, operatio thoracalis] infothoracic intervention, performed for the diagnosis and treatment of focal lesions in the thorax

thoraxingrepp -et -

mellkasi-ágyéki [thoracolumbalis] infothoracolumbar, relating to the thoracic and lumbar regions of the spine

bröst-ländinfobröst- o. ländrygg i fas

mellkasi sebészet [chirurgia thoracalis] infothoracic surgery

bröstorganens kirurgi

mellkasi folyadékgyülem [hydrothorax] infohydrothorax, the condition of having fluid in the pleural cavit

bröstvattusot -eninfohydrotorax

mellkasi elvezetés infoprecordial electrode

bröstavledning -en -arinfoelektroderna som används i EKG

mellkasi rész [pars thoracica] infothoracic part

bröstkorgsdel -en -ar

mellkasi … [thoraco…] infochest…

bröstkorgen …

mellkasi röntgen [radiographum thoracicum] infochest x-ray

bröstkorgsröntgen - [en]

mellkasi aneszteziológia infothoracic anaesthesiology

thoraxanestesi -n -er

mellkasi ganglionok [ganglia thoracica] infothoracic ganglia, paravertebral ganglia

sympatiska gränssträngsganglier inom throrax

mellkasi influenza [influenza pectoralis] infochest flu, a chest infection of the lungs or airways

infektiös lunginflammation

mellkasi ideg [nervus thoracicus] infothoracic nerve, any of the spinal nerves of the thoracic region

bröstkorgsnerv -en -er

mellkasi légzés [respiratio thoracica] infothoracic respiration, respiration performed entirely by expansion of the chest

bröstkorgsandning -en -ar

mellkasi hátsó gyökerek [radices posteriores thoracales] infothoracic dorsal roots, thoracic posterior roots, posterior roots of the spinal nerve

thoracala dorsalrötter

mellkasi spinális gyökérganglionok infothoracal spinal root ganglia

thorakala dorsalrotsganglier

mellkasi-hasi aneurizma [aneurysma thoracoabominalis] infothoracoabdominal aneurysm

thorakoabdominala aneurysm

mellkasi spinális ganglionok infothoracal spinal ganglia

thorakala spinalganglier

mellkasi gerincvelői idegek [nervi throcales] infothoracic spinal nerves


mellkasi ventrális gyökerek [radices ventrales thoracales] infothoacal ventral roots

thoracala ventralrötter

mellkasi gerincvelő harántsérülése [myelitis transversalis thoracalis] infothoracic transverse myelitis, an inflammation of both sides of one section of the spinal cord

torakal transversell myelit

mellkasi spinális ganglionok [ganglia spinalia pectoralia, ganglia sensoria nervi spinalis] infodorsal root ganglion, a cluster of cell bodies in the dorsal root of a spinal nerve that carry sensory information to the spinal cord

bröstets spinalganglier

belső mellkasi véna [vena thoracica interna] infointernal thoracic vein, located deep within the chest, collects blood from the chest wall and breasts and returns it to the heart

intern bröstkorgven

oldalsó mellkasi ideg [nervus thoracalis lateralis] infolateral thoracic nerve, LTN, a pure motor nerve, innervates the cutaneous maximus muscle, CMM

lateral bröstkorg nerv

CXR mellkasi röntgenfelvétel [roentgenogram pulmonis] infoCXR, chest EX-ray


hosszú mellkasi ideg [nervus thoracicus longus] infolong thoracic nerve, a branch of the brachial plexus derived from cervical nerves, motor nerve to the serratus anterior muscle

lång bröstkorg nerv

hosszú mellkasi ideg [nervus throcicus longus] infolong thoracic nerve, motor nerve to the serratus anterior muscle, which functions to pull the scapula forward around the thorax

lång torakalnerv

mellkasi régió · melltájék [regio sternalis] infosternal region, behind the presternal region of the ventral border of the chest

bröstregion -en -er

szűk mellkasi kimeneti-szindróma infothoracic aperture, the opening at the top of the thoracic cavity


szimpatikus törzs mellkasi része [pars thoracalis trunci sympathici] infothoracic part of the sympathetic trunk

sympatisk stams bröstkorgdel

a gerincvelő mellkasi része [pars thoracica medullae spinalis] infothe thoracic part of the spinal cord

bröstryggmärg -en

asphyxiát okozó mellkasi dysplasia [Jeune] [f.r.] [dystrophia thoracica asphyxica] infoasphyxiating thoracic dystrophy, Jeune syndrome, an inherited disorder of bone growth characterized by a narrow chest, short ribs, shortened bones in the arms and legs, short stature, and polydactyly

medfödd torakal asfyktisk dysplasiinfoJeune syndrom