Ungersk-Svenska medicinsk ordbok »

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UngerskaSvenska medicinsk
Leiner-szindróma infoLeiner's disease, LD,s a rare and serious syndrome of infantile erythroderma of severe and progressive generalized seborrheic-like dermatitis, recalcitrant diarrhea, malabsorption, wasting and recurrent local and systemic infections

Leiner syndrominfoinfantil erytematösa dermatos av ovisst ursprung

Achorion schönleini [favus okozója] infothe cause of favus

Achorion schönleiniinfoorsakar favus

adenilsav [nukleinsavalkotórész] [adenosinmonophosphat, AMP] [Acidum adenylicum] infonucleic acid component, adenylic acid

adenylsyra -n adenylsyrorinfohuvudbeståndsdel i vissa nukleinsyror

akrolein [acroleinum] infoacrolein, irritant pungent liquid aldehyde

akrolein -et -eninfogiftig förbränningsprodukt av fettämnen

allergiás purpura [Schönlein-Henoch purpura, vasculitis allergica juvenile] infoHenoch-Schonlein purpura.IgA vasculitis, a disease involving inflammation of small blood vessels

allergisk purpura

bordáknak megfelelő bemélyedések a szegycsont oldalsó szélein [incisurae costales sterni] infoincisurae costales, costal notches, indentations on the lateral borders of the sternum for the costal cartilages

ledförbindelser för revbensbrosk

brómkrezolzöld [Tetrabromocresolsulfonphthalein] infobromocresol green, a brominated acid dye, used as an acid-base indicator

bromkresolgrönt -

brómszulfalein [BSP] [Bromsulphaleinum] infobromsulphalein [BSP], a dye, used in a liver function test [sulfobromophthalein test]

bromsulfalein -et

brómszulfalein retentio infobromsulphalein retention, BSP retention

bromsulfalein retention

brómszulfalein-terhelés [onus bromsulphaleini] infobromosulphalein load

bromsulfaleinbelastning -en -ar

BTK [Brómtimolkék] [bromothymolum sulfophthaleini] infoBromothymol blue

BTBinfobromtymolblått [BTB] indikator

cisz-9-oktadecénsav · oleinsav infooleic acid, cis-9-octadecenoic acid

cis-9-oktadecensyra -n

deoxiribo-nukleinsav [DNS] infodeoxyribonucleic acid, DNA

deoxiribonukleinsyra -n deoxiribonukleinsyror [DNA]

desoxy-ribonucleinsav [Acidum desoxyribonucleinicum, DNS] infodesoxy-ribonucleic acid, DNA, the molecule that carries genetic information for the development and functioning of an organism

desoxyribonucleinsyra -n desoxyribonucleinsyror [DNS]

desoxyribonucleinsav [DNS] infodeoxyribonucleic acid, DNA


dezmoglein [desmogleinum] infodesmoglein, Dsg, a cadherin-like adhesion molecule, űmaintain tissue integrity and facilitates cell–cell communication

desmoglein -en -er

dezoxiribonukleinsav [DNS, DNA] infodeoxyribonucleic acid, DNA, molecule inside cells that carry genetic information and pass it from one generation to the next

dezoxiribonukleinsyra -n [DNS]infoämne som finns i alla celler o. i många virus

DNS [Dezoxiribonukleinsav] [Acidum deoxyribonucleinicum] infoDNA [DeoxyriboNucleic Acid]

DNA - -infoDNA [DeoxiriboNukleinsyrA]

Döderlein bacillus [Lactobacillus acidophilus] infoDöderlein's bacillus

Döderleins bacill

Fenolftalein [Phenolphthaleinum] infoPhenolphthalein, used in analysis as an indicator, medicinally as a laxative

fenolftalein -et

Fenolftalein-eljárás infoPhenolphthalein methode

fenolftaleinmetod -en -er

Franceschetti-Klein-szindróma [dysostosis mandibulofacialis] infoFranceschetti-Klein syndrome, mandibulofacial dysostosis

Franceschetti-Kleins syndrom

Franceschetti-Klein-szindróma [dysostosis mandibulofacialis] infoFranceschetti-Klein syndrome, mandibulofacial dysostosis, an autosomal dominant disorder of craniofacial development with variable expressivity

mandibulofacial dysostos

félelem iskolába járástól [didaskaleinophobia] infodidaskaleinophobia, school phobia, school refusal

didaskaleinofobi -n -erinforädsla för att ga till skolan

Giemsa-festés [nukleinsavfesték alkalmazása citogenetikában] infoGiemsa staining, a stain consisting of eosin and a blue dye and used chiefly in the differential staining of blood films

Giemsa-färgning -en -ar

glomerulopathia Henoch-Schönlein purpurában infoglomerulopathy in Henoch-Schönlein purpura

glomerulussjukdom vid Henoch-Schönleins purpura

hajas fejbőr favusa [P: Trichophyton schoenleinii] [favus capitis, tinea capitis favosa] infofavus, tinea favosa, a severe and chronic inflammatory dermatophyte infection

favus -eninfokronisk svampinfektion: i hårbotten gulaktiga krustor, som är illaluktande, ondskorv

hírvivő-RNS [a fehérje-szintézishez szükséges információt szállító ribonukleinsav] [messenger RNS, m-RNS] infomessenger RNA

budbärar-RNAinfom-RNA [syntes av proteiner som krävs informationsbärare ribonukleinsyra]

Kleine-Levin-szindróma infoKleine–Levin syndrome, KLS, a rare disease, recurrent episodes of hypersomnia and to various degrees, behavioral or cognitive disturbances, compulsive eating behavior, and hypersexuality

Kleine-Levins syndrominfoperiodisk hypersomni i kombination med andra symtom

komplementer dezoxiribonukleinsav [DNS, cDNS] infocomplementary deoxyribonucleic acid, cDNA

kompletterande deoxiribonukleinsyra [DNA, cDNA]

kosz · koszmó [P: Trichophyton [Achorion] schoenleini] [favus, tinea favosa] infofavus, a chronic inflammatory dermatophytic infection

skorv -en

Löhlein nephritis [P: Bartonella henselae] infoLoehlein nephrite, Bartonella endocarditis masquerading as systemic vasculitis with rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis

Löhlein nefrit

maleinsav [Acidum maleicum] infomaleic acid, used to form acid addition salts with drugs to make them more stable, such as indacaterol maleat

maleinsyra -n maleinsyror

Mallein [Mallein] infoMallein, a protein fraction obtained from Burkholderia mallei, used in testing for glanders

mallein -etinfoympämne av ett extrakt på s k rotsbakterier [diagnosticum på rots]

nuklein [nucleinum, nucleoproteid] infonucleine, any of a group of proteins, containing phosphorus, that occur in the nuclei of living cells, gives a red color with Millon's reagent

nuklein -et - [DNA]

nuklein-anyagcsere infonucleic metabolism, nucleic acid metabolism, the process by which nucleic acids, DNA and RNA are synthesized and degraded

nuklein-ämnesomsättning -en -ar

nukleinbázis infonucleic base, base of nucleic, the bases used in DNA are adenine, A, cytosine, C, guanine, G, and thymine, T

nukleinbas -en -er

nukleinsav [Acidum nucleinicum] infonucleic acid, large biomolecule that play essential roles in all cells and viruses

nukleinsyra -n nukleinsyror

nukleinsav hibridizáció infonucleic acid hybridization, involves the bonding of a short, complementary nucleic acid strand [probe] to a target sequence

nukleinsyra hybridisering

nukleinsav hibridizáció [hybridization of nucleic acid, annealing, nucleic acid hybridization] infonucleic acid hybridization, involves the bonding of a short, complementary nucleic acid strand [probe] to a target sequence

nukleinsyrahybridisering -en -ar