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legkomolyabb ● legsúlyosabb ● legveszélyesebb [pl. kór] [gravissimus serimus] betyder på svenska medicinsk

UngerskaSvenska medicinsk
legkomolyabb · legsúlyosabb · legveszélyesebb [pl. kór] [gravissimus serimus] infomost severe, most severe, most dangerous


Addison-kór [a mellékvesekéreg működésének idült elégtelensége] infochronic adrenal insufficiency, Addison's disease

kronisk binjuresvikt

Alzheimer kór [Alzheimer dementia, Alzheimer demens] infoAlzheimer's disease

Alzheimers sjukdominfoförstörs framför allt nervcellerna i tinningloben och hjässloberna

Farber kór [ceramidase deficientia] infoFarber disease, acid ceramidase deficiency, a lysosomal storage disorder caused by deficiency of acid ceramidase

Farbers syndrom

Little-kór [f.r] [paresis spastica] infoLittle's disease, a congenital stiffness of the limbs due to failure of development of the pyramidal tracts

Littles sjukdominfospastisk förlamning i benen hos barn med hjärnskada

Grover-kór [benignus papulosus acantholyticus dermatosis, transiens acantholyticus dermatosis, TAD] infotransient acantholytic dermatosis, Grover's disease

transient akantolytisk dermatos

Bechterew-kór [spondyloarthritis ankylopoetica, morbus Marie-Strümpells, spondylitis ankylosans] infoankylosing spondylitis, AS, Bechterew disease, a type of arthritis that causes inflammation in the joints and ligaments of the spine

Marie-Strümpells sjukdominfoankyloserande spondylit

Hurler-kór [dysostosis multiplex, gargoylismus, lipochondrodystrophia, mucopolysaccharidosis I-H] infomucopolysarcharidosis type I, MPS, Hurler syndrome, a rare, inherited disorder. Children have an abnormal accumulation of complex sugars in their cells, which affects many of the systems in their bodies

lipokondrodystrofi -n -erinfogargoylism

Buerger kór [tromboangiitis, endangiitis, endarteritis obliterans] infoBuerger's disease, thromboangiitis obliterans, caused by small blood vessels that become inflamed and swollen

Morbus Buerger [MB]infoinflammationsartad sjukdom som angriper artärer o. vener o. medför tilltäppning av kärlen

Wilson-kór [degeneratio hepatolenticularis, morbus Wilson] infoWilson's disease, causes copper to accumulate in the liver, brain and other organs

Wilsons sjukdominfohepatolentikulär degeneration

Gaucher kór [morbus Gaucher] infoGaucher's disease, Gaucher disease, a genetic disorder, glucocerebroside [glucosylceramide] accumulates in cells and certain organs

NorrbottensjukaninfoGauchers sjukdom, mb. Gaucher: brist på enzymet glukocerebrosidas

Werlhof-kór infothrombopenic purpura

trombopenisk purpurainfoWerlhof-sjukdom: flera subkutana blödningar pga låga blodplättsnivåer

Fröhlich kór [adiposogenital dystrophy, Fröhlichs syndrome] infoadiposogenital dystrophy, Fröhlich's syndrome

adiposogenital dystrofiinfoFröhlich sjukdom

Hurler-kór [dysostosis multiplex] infoHurler's disease, Hurler's syndrome, gargoylism, dysostosis multiplex. hereditary disease [autosomal recessive] consisting of an error is mucopolysaccharide metabolism

Hurlers syndrominfoHurler-Scheies syndrom

Werdnig-Hoffman-kór [spinalis muscularis atrophia] infoWerdnig-Hoffmann disease, a type of spinal muscular atrophy [SMA]

Werdnig-Hoffmann sjukdom

bányászaszály kór · bányászférgesség [P: Ankylostoma duodenale, Necator americanus] [ancylostomosis] infominer's worm, the hookworm [Ancylostoma duodenale] often infests miners and tunnel workers

hakmasksjuka -ninfohakmasksjuka, ankylostomias, infektion med hakmasken

Darier kór · follikuláris keratózis [keratosis pilaris, KP, follicular keratosis, lichen pilaris] infoDarier disease, wart-like blemishes on the body

follikulär keratos

Capdepont-kór · Capdepont-szindróma [dentinogenesis imperfecta hereditaria] infoCapdepont syndrome

Capdepont sjukdom

Whipple kór · Whipple-szindróma [ízületek és emésztőrendszer fertőződése] [P: Tropheryma whipplei] [lipodystrophia intestinalis] infoWhipple´s disease, WD, joint and digestive tract infection

Whipples sjukdominfoWhipple-syndrom

Lyme-kór · Lyme betegség [P: Borrelia burgdorfer, Borrelia mayoniii] [Lyme borreliosis] infoLyme disease, symptoms: fever, headache, fatigue, and a characteristic skin rash [erythema migrans]

Lymes sjukdom

Bechterew-kór · spondylitis ankylopoetica [arthritis, osseitis deformans, spondylitis ankylopoetica, spondilítisz ankilopoetika] infoankylosing spondylitis [AS], Bechterew's diseas, long-term inflammation of the joints of the spine

Bechterew sjukdom

Werlhof-betegség · Werlhof-kór [essentialis [benignus] thrombopenia] [morbus [maculosus] Werlhofi, purpura haemorrhagica] infoWerlhof's disease, Werlhof's hemorrhagic disease, Werlhof's syndrome

Werlhofs sjukdominfoWerlhofs blödarsjuka, Werlhof-syndrom

Harlequin-foetus · Harlequin-kór [f.r.] [Harlequin-foetus, ichthyosis congenita gravis] infoHarlequin ichthyosis, Harlequin baby syndrome, Harlequin fetus syndrome, ichthyosis congenita, an autosomal recessive genetic trait

harlekinfetus -en -erinfoHarlekiniktyos, medfödd iktyos

Gaucher-betegség · Gaucher-kór infoGaucher's disease, a person lacks glucocerebrosidase, GBA, enzyme, lipid storage disease, abnormal amounts of glycosphingolipids are stored in reticuloendothelial cells

Gauchers sjukdom

Refsum-betegség · Refsum-kór [ heredoataxia] infoRefsum disease, an inherited condition that causes vision loss, absence of the sense of smell [anosmia], and a variety of other signs and symptoms

Refsums sjukdominfoärftlig, fortskridande neurologisk sjukdom

Andersen-betegség · Andersen-kór [morbus Andersen] infoAndersen's disease, glycogen storage disease [GSD] type IV

Andersens sjukdominfoansamling av onormalt glykogen i levern pga en genetisk enzymdefekt, brist på glykogenförgrenande enzym

Rubarth-betegség · Rubarth kór [P: canine adenovirus Type 1 [CAV-1]] [hepatitis contagiosa canis, hepatitus [contagiosa] canum, HCC] infoRubarth disease, infectious canine hepatitis [ICH]

HCCinfoRubarths sjukdom

Bowen betegség · Bowen kór [P: napfény] [morbus Boweni, praecancerosis] infoBowen disease, squamous cell carcinoma in situ

Bowens sjukdom

myotóniás disztrófia · Steinert kór [dystrophia myotonica, myotonia atrophica, myotonia dystrophica] infoSteinert myotonic dystrophy, myotonic dystrophy type 1, a muscle disease characterized by myotonia and by multiorgan damage

myotonisk dystrofi

Scheuermann-kór · Scheuermann-féle kyphosis [epiphysitis vertebralis, morbus Scheuermann] infovertebral epiphysitis

vertebral epifysit

Hurler-kór · Hurler-Scheie-szindróma [mucolipidosis I] infoHurler syndrome, the most severe form of mucopolysaccharidosis type I, a hereditary lysosomal storage condition

Hurler-Scheies syndrom

Basedow-kór tünetegyüttes · pajzsmirigytúltengéses-tünetcsoport [symptoma hyperthyreosis exophthalmicae] infoBasedow's disease syndrome, hyperthyroidism

Basedowsymptom -et -

Siemerling-Creutzfeld kór · Schilder kór [adrenoleukodystrophia, ALD] infoadrenoleukodystrophy [Siemerling-creutzfeldt disease]

Addison-Schilders adrenoleukodystrofi

Engel-von Recklinghausen kór a csontokban [osteitis fibrosa cystica generalisata] infoosteitis fibrosa cystica, OFC, a skeletal disorder caused by an overproduction of parathyroid hormone

Engel-von Recklinghausen syndrom

Engel-von Recklinghausen kór a csontokban [osteitis fibrosa cystica generalisata] infoosteitis fibrosa cystica, OFC, osteitis fibrosa, osteodystrophia fibrosa, von Recklinghausen's disease of bone, caused by hyperparathyroidism

osteitis fibrosa cystica von Recklinghausen

erdei kór · feketekór · idült méhbénulás [P: Chronic bee paralysis virus, CBPV] infochronic bee paralysis, CBP, causes massive worker bee losses, mostly in strong colonies

kronisk biförlamning

Parkinson kór · parkinsonizmus · Wilson-kór [R] infoParkinson's disease, parkinsonism, Wilson's disease, a loss of nerve cells in the part of the brains substantia nigra

striära symtominfoParkinsons sjukdom, Parkinsonism, Wilsons sjukdom [R]

Pick kór · az agy sorvadásos elváltozása infoPick's disease,a specific type of frontotemporal dementia

Picks sjukdominfoen form av frontallobsdemens

reaktív artritisz · Reiter kór · Reiter syndroma [P: Chlamydia trachomatis] [morbus Reiter, arthritis reactiva] inforeactive arthritis, condition that causes redness and swelling in various joints in the body, especially the knees, feet, toes, hips and ankles

reaktiv artrit

Basedow kór · Graves-betegség · pajzsmirigy-túltengési tünetcsoport [hyperthyreosis exophthalmica, struma Basedowiana] infoBasedow's disease, Graves' disease, syndrome of hyperthyroidism

Graves sjukdom