Ungersk-Svenska medicinsk ordbok »

endotracheális tubus betyder på svenska medicinsk

UngerskaSvenska medicinsk
endotracheális tubus infoendotracheal tube, a tube constructed of polyvinyl chloride that is placed between the vocal cords through the trachea

endotrachealtub -en -erinfoendotrakealtub

endotracheális tubus eltávolítása [extubatio] infoextubation, removing an endotracheal tube, ETT

borttagande av endotrakeal tub

extubering -en -ar

endotracheális tubus nélküli [extubatus] infoextubated, without an endotrachela tube

extuberad extuberat

endotracheális tubust rögzítő eszköz infoendotracheal tube fixation device

bitblock för endotrachealtub