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SvenskaUngerska medicinsk
Humant Immunbrist Virus [HIV]

Humán Immunhiány Vírus [Human Immunodeficiency Virus,infoHuman Immunodeficiency Virus, HIV

humant immunglobulin anti-D

humán anti-D immunglobulin [Immunglobulinum humanum anti-D]infohuman anti-D immunoglobulin

humant immunglobulin anti-D för intravenös användning

humán anti-D immunglobulin intravénás alkalmazásra [Immunglobulinum humanum anti-D ad usum intravenosum]infohuman anti-D immunoglobulin for intravenous use

humant immunglobulin mot hepatit A

hepatitisz-A elleni humán immunoglobin [immunglobulinum humanum hepatitidis A]infohepatitis A human immunoglobulin against hepatitis A

humant immunglobulin mot hepatit B

hepatitisz-B elleni humán immunoglobin [immunglobulinum humanum hepatitidis B]infohepatitis B human immunoglobulin against hepatitis B

humant immunglobulin mot hepatit B för intravenös administrering

hepatitisz-B elleni humán immunoglobin intravénás alkalmazásra [immunglobulinum humanum hepatitidis B ad usum intravenosum]infohuman immunoglobulin against hepatitis B for intravenous use

humant immunglobulin mot hepatitis A

humán hepatitisz-A immunglobulin [immunglobulinum humanum hepatitidis A]infohuman hepatitis A immune globulin

humant immunglobulin mot hepatitis B

humán hepatitisz-B immunglobulin [immunglobulinum humanum hepatitidis B]infohuman hepatitis B immune globulin

humant immunglobulin mot hepatitis B för intravenös användning

humán hepatitisz-B immunglobulin intravénás alkalmazásra [immunglobulinum humanum hepatitidis B ad usum intravenosum]infohuman hepatitisz-B immune globulin for intravenous use

humant immunglobulin mot mässling

kanyaró elleni humán immunoglobulin [immunglobulinum humanum morbillicum]infohuman immunoglobulin against measles

humant immunglobulin mot rabies

veszettség elleni humán immunoglobulin [immunglobulinum humanum rabicum]infohuman immunoglobulin against rabies

humant immunglobulin mot röda hund

rózsahimlő elleni humán immunoglobulin [immunglobulinum humanum rubellae]infohuman immunoglobulin against rubella

humant immunglobulin mot stelkramp

merevgörcs elleni humán immunoglobulin [immunglobulinum humanum tetanicum]infohuman immunoglobulin against tetanus

humant immunglobulin mot varicella

humán varicella immunglobulin [Immunglobulinum humanum varicellae]infohuman varicella immune globulin

humant immunglobulin mot varicella för intravenös användning

humán varicella immunglobulin intravénás alkalmazásra [Immunglobulinum humanum varicellae ad usum intravenosum]infohuman varicella immunoglobulin for intravenous use

humant immunglobulin mot vattkoppor

bárányhimlő elleni humán immunoglobulin [immunglobulinum humanum varicellae]infohuman immunoglobulin against chicken pox

humant immunglobulin mot vattkoppor för intravenös användning

bárányhimlő elleni humán immunoglobulin intravénás alkalmazásra [immunglobulinum humanum varicellae ad usum intravenosum]infohuman immunoglobulin against chickenpox for intravenous use

humant immunglobulin normalt

normál humán immunoglobulin [immunglobulinum humanum normale]infonormal human immunoglobulin

humant immunglobulin normalt för intravenös administrering

normál humán immunoglobulin intravénás használatra [immunglobulinum humanum normale ad usum intravenosum]infonormal human immunoglobulin for intravenous use

humant immunoglobulin

humán immunoglobulin [Anti-D] [Immunoglobulinum]infohuman immunoglobulin Anti-D

humoralt immunförsvar

humorális immunvédeleminfohumoral immune defense

hyperimmunglobulinemi -n -er

hyperimmun-globulinémia [hyperimmunglobulinaemia]infohyperimmunoglobulinemia, hyperimmunoglobulin D syndrome, HIDS, a rare, autosomal-recessive genetic disorder,recurrent febrile episodesassociated with lymphadenopathy, abdominal pain, an elevated serum polyclonal immunoglobulin D [IgD] level

hypogammaglobulinemi med immunglobulinbärande B-lymfocyter

hypogammaglobulinémia immunglobulinhordozó B-limfocitákkalinfohypogammaglobulinemia with immunoglobulin-bearing B-lymphocytes

icke specificerad sjukdom orsakad av humant immunbristvirus [HIV]

humán immundeficiencia vírus [HIV] által okozott meghatározhatatlan betegséginfounspecified disease caused by human immunodeficiency virus, HIV

Idiopatisk [immun] trombocytopen purpura [ITP]

idiopathias thrombocytopenias purpura [purpura thrombocytopaenica idiopathica, ITP]infoidiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, ITP, an abnormal decrease in the number of platelets in the blood

immun-respons minskning infoimmunsuppression

immunszuppresszió · immunválasz-csökkentés · immunválasz-elnyomás [immunosuppressio]infoimmunosuppression, reduction of immune response, suppression of immune response

immunaktivitet -en -er

immunaktivitás [immunactivitas]infoimmune activity

immunanalys -en -er

immunitás elemzésinfoimmunity analysis

immunapparat -en -er

immunapparátus [immunapparatus, immunsystema]infoimmunological apparatus

immunbristvirus -et -

immunhiányvírus [virus immunodeficientiae]infoimmunodeficiency virus

immunbristvirusinfektion -en -er

immunhiányos vírusfertőzésinfoimmunodeficiency virus infection

immunbristvirusinfektion hos katt

macska immunhiányos vírus-fertőzéseinfoimmunodeficiency viral infection of the cat

immundefektsyndrom -et -

immundefectus-szindróma [defectus immunicus]infoimmunodeficiency syndrome

immundiffusion -en -er

immundiffúzió [immundiffusio]infoimmunodiffusion, a diagnostic test which involves diffusion through a substance such as agar

immundominant -a

immundominánsinfoimmunodominant, relating to the epitope of a molecule that provokes the most intense immune response

immundominant epitop

immundomináns epitópinfoimmunodominant epitope, subunit of the antigenic determinant that is most easily recognized by the immune system and thus most influence the specificity of the induced antibody

immundysreglering -en -ar

immunszabályozási zavar [imundisregulatio]infoimmune dysregulation, any proposed or confirmed breakdown or maladaptive change in molecular control of immune system processes

immunfenotyp -en -er

immunfenotípusinfoimmunophenotype, the immunochemical and immunohistological characteristics of a cell or group of cells

immunfenotypbestämning -en -ar infoimmunfenotypning

immunfenotípus meghatározás · immunfenotipizálásinfoimmunophenotype determination, immunophenotyping, a test used to identify cells on the basis of the types of markers or antigens present on the cell's surface, nucleus, or cytoplasm

immunförsvar -et -

immunmemória · immunológiai védelem · immunvédelem [defensio immunologica]infoImmunological memory, the ability of the immune system to quickly and specifically recognize an antigen that the body has previously encountered