Svensk-Ungerska medicinsk ordbok »

mac betyder på ungerska medicinsk

SvenskaUngerska medicinsk
Mac Burneys punkt

McBurney-féle pontinfoMcBurney's point, the point on the lower right quadrant of the abdomen at which tenderness is maximal in cases of acute appendicitis

MAC-värde -t -n

MAK érték [egy anyag legmagasabb megengedhető koncentrációja a munkahelyi környezetben]infoMAK value, the highest permissible concentration of a substance in the workplace environment

macererad fetus

elfolyósodott magzat · ellágyult magzat · méhben felázott magzat · macerálódott magzat [foetus maceratus, fetus sanguinolentus]infoliquefied fetus, softened fetus, fetus soaked in the womb, macerated fetus

Machado-Josephs sjukdom [SCA3]

Machado-Joseph betegséginfoMachado-Joseph disease, MJD-III, spinocerebellar ataxia type III, a rare, inherited, ataxia

Machupo hemorragisk feber

Machupo vérzéses láz [P: machupo vírus] [febris haemorrhagicae boliviae]infoMachupo hemorrhagic fever, Bolivian hemorrhagic fever, BHF, black typhus, Ordog fever

Mackenzie-syndrom -et -

Mackenzie-szindrómainfoMcKenzie’s postural syndrome, end-range stress of normal structures

macromolekulära sjukdomar

makromolekuláris betegségekinfomacromolecular diseases, the role of autophagy in proteinopathies: Alzheimer's disease and Tauopathies, Parkinson's -, Huntington's -, Lafora--, Pompe-, Von Gierke's-, Gaucher-, Niemann-Pick Type C Disease

macronukleus -en -er

makronukleusz · óriás sejtmag [macronucleus]infomacronucleus, meganucleus, larger type of nucleus in ciliates

macula densa cellerna infoi distala tubulus vägg mäter NaCl koncentrationen i urinen

distalis tubulusnak a juxta-glomerularis készülékkel kapcsolatban álló része [macula densa]infomacula densa, an area of closely packed specialized cells lining the wall of the thick ascending limb of Henle in the kidney

amacrincell -en -er infoen associationscell i det inre granulära lagret av näthinnan

amakrin sejt [cella amacrina]infoamacrine cell

B-plasmacell -en -er

B-plasmasejt [cella plasmae B]infoplasma cell, plasma B cell, effector B cell, lymphocyte involved in the production of immunoglobulins

Bests vitelliform maculadystrofi

Best vitelliform macularis dystrophiainfoBest vitelliform macular dystrophy [BVMD], a genetic form of macular degeneration

Bloom Torre Machacek symdrom infoBlooms syndrom [BS]

Bloom-Torre-Machacek-szindrómainfoBloom-Torre-Machacek syndrome

bromacetokarbamid -en -er

Bromaceto-karbamid [Bromacetocarbamidum]infobromacetocarbamide, carbromal, bromadal, bromdiethylacetylurea, bromodiethylacetylcarbamide

Cormack-Lehane-graderingen [CL] infovisuell bedömning av pharynx respektive larynx i syfte att förutse potentiellt svår intubering

A Cormack-Lehane stádiumbeosztásinfothe Cormack–Lehane [CL] classification is frequently used to describe laryngeal view on direct laryngoscopy

fetal maceration

magzati maceráció [maceratio foetalis]infofetal maceration may occur due to prolonged pregnancies caused by progestin injections

framställd genom maceration

maceráció útján előállított [decoctum maceratum]infoproduced by maceration

fundus flavimaculatus

Stargardt-féle betegség [fundus flavimaculatus, Stargardt macularis dystrophia]infoStargardt disease, a rare genetic eye disease that happens when fatty material builds up on the macula

galenisk farmaci infoläran om hur man bäst tillverkar en lämplig läkemedelsform

galenusi gyógyszerészet [pharmacia Galenica]infoGalenic pharmacy, relates to the preparation of medicines by infusion, decoction, etc., as distinguished from those which are chemically prepared

gammacell -en -er

gammasejtinfogammacell, used for the irradiation of mitotically inactive cell culture media, mixed lymphocyte cultures and cellular blood components

gastrointestinal stromacellstumör [GIST]

gasztrointesztinális strómatumor [GIST]infogastrointestinal stromal tumor, GIST, disease in which abnormal cells form in the tissues of the gastrointestinal tract

lymfocytär-plasmacytär enterit

limfocitás-plasmacitás bélgyulladás [enteritis lymphocyto-plasmacytica]infolymphocytic-plasmacytic enteritis, lymphocytic plasmacytic gastroenteritis, a form of inflammatory bowel disease in which inflammatory cells infiltrate the lining of the stomach and intestine

mitralringsförkalkning -en -ar [MAC]

mitrális gyűrű elmeszesedés [annulus mitralis sclerosis]infomitral annular calcification, MAC, a chronic, progressive process involving the fibrous annulus of the mitral valve

natriumacetat [1-11C]injektionsvätska

nátrium-acetat [1-11C]injekciós folyadék [Natrii acetatis [1-11C] solutio injectabilis]infoSodium acetate [1-11 C]- injection liquid

plasmacell -en -er infosmå, cytoplasmarik cell som producerar antikroppar

plazmasejt · plazmocita [plasmocyta] [cella plasmae, plasmocyta]infoplasmocyte, plasma cell, large lymphocyte with abundant cytoplasm

plasmacell neoplasm

plazmasejtdaganat [neoplasma plasmocytica]infoplasmacytic neoplasm, occurs when abnormal plasma cells form cancerous tumors in bone or soft tissue

plasmacellmyelom -et · -en · -er

plazmasejtes myeloma [plasma cell myeloma]infoplasma cell myeloma, plasma cell neoplasm, abnormal plasma cells form cancerous tumors

plasmacellsleukemi -n -er

plasmasejtes leukaemiainfoplasma cell leukemia, plasmacytomatosis, plasmacytic leukemia

plasmacellspopulation -en -er

plazmasejt-szaporulat [populatio cellarum plasmae]infoplasma cell population

plasmacelltumör -en -er

plazmasejtes daganat [tumor plasmacellae]infoplasma cell tumor

plasmacytoid dendritisk cell

dendritsejt [Langerhans-sejt]infoplasma cell leukemia, PCL, plasma cell myeloma, a rare type of cancer, unusually high levels of abnormal plasma cells in the blood

plasmacytom -en -er

plasmasejtdaganat [plasmoma]infoplasmoma, irregular thickening, loss of pigmentation, and follicle formation on the third eyelids; usually both third eyelids are affected

pre-visit pharmaceutical infoför stressfri hantering av djur

nyugtatószer [vizsgálandó állatnak]infopre-visit pharmaceutical [PVP], fear free pre-visit pharmaceuticals

stomach disease

gyomorbetegséginfostomach diseas

macidos -en -er

bendő-acidosis [acidosis ruminis]inforumen acidosis, ruminal acidosis, a bovine metabolic disease that affects feedlot as well as dairy cattle