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SvenskaUngerska medicinsk
jugularfåra -n jugularfåror

juguláris barázda · torkolati barázda [sulcus jugularis]infojugular groove, running the length of the ventral side of the neck between the m. brachiocephalicus and the m. sternocephalicus

jugularisvenpuls -en -ar

torkolati véna lüktetése [pulsus venae jugularis]infojugular vein pulsation

jugulum - infoden över bröstbenet liggande gropen på halsens framsida, 'halsgropen'

torkolat · torok [jugulum]infojugulum, the lower throat or the part of the neck just above the breast of a bird

jugulär -t -a infojugular, tillhörande framsidan av halsen

torkolati [pl. vena] · torokhoz tartozó [jugularis]infojugular, belonging to the throat, of the neck or throat

jugulär fossa

juguláris árok [fossa jugularis]infojugular fossa, a deep depression in the inferior part of the base of the skull

jugulär lymfatiska säck

nyaki nyiroktömlő [saccus lymphaticus jugularis]infojugular lymphatic sac, JLS

jugulär ven infojugularisven

torkolati véna [vena jugularis]infojugular vein, any of several large veins in the neck, carrying blood from the head and face

jullben -et -

sajkacsont [os naviculare]infoos naviculare, a comma-shaped bone of the human wrist, located in the first row of carpals

juninvirus -et -

junin vírusinfojunin virus, causative agent for Argentine hemorrhagic fever [O'Higgins disease]

junktional epitel

junctionalis hám [junctional epithelium]infojunctional epithelium, JE, an epithelial component that is directly attached to the tooth surface and has a protective function against periodontal diseases

justering av magsyra

gyomorsav-beállításinfostomach acid adjustment

justerverkssjuka -n justerverkssjukor infoyrkessjukdom hos sågverksarbetare

fűrészpor okozta tüdőelváltozás [infoallergic alveolitis, caused by sawdust

juvenil absensepilepsi

fiatalkori absence rohamok [petit mal]infopetit mal, absence seizure

juvenil bencysta infotredje typ av cysta, aneurysmal bencysta

aneurizmás csontciszta [cysta ossis aneurysmalis]infoaneurysmal bone cyst, ABC, highly destructive, blood-filled benign bone tumor

juvenil dermatitis herpetiformis

fiatalkori herpeszszerű bőrgyulladás [dermatitis herpetiformis juvenilis]infojuvenile herpes-like dermatitis

juvenil dermatomyosit

fiatalkori dermatomyositis [juvenile dermatomyositis]infojuvenile dermatomyositis, JDM, a disease in children that causes skin rash [dermato] and muscle inflammation [myositis]

juvenil diabetes infojuvenil typ diabetes

fiatalkori cukorbetegség · juvenilis diabétesz [diabetes juvenilis]infojuvenile diabetes, insulin-dependent diabetes, type 1 diabetes, a chronic condition

juvenil epifysit

juvenilis epiphysitis [epiphysitis juvenilis]infojuvenile epiphysitis, epiphysitis in children, 'little league shoulder', proximal humeral epiphysitis, pain in the upper arm or shoulder

juvenil epilepsi med absenser

kisgyermekkori absence epilepsia [pyknolepsia]infopyknolepsy, a condition marked by epileptiform attacks resembling those of petit mal epilepsy

juvenil gangliosidos

fiatalkori Tay-Sachs betegséginfoJuvenile [subacute] Tay-Sachs disease, clumsiness and incoordination

juvenil katarakt

fiatalkori hályog [cataracta juvenilis]infojuvenile cataract, a type of cataract that is not apparent at birth but that arises in childhood or adolescence

juvenil kronisk osteomyelit

fiatalkori idült csont- és csontvelőgyulladás [P: bacterium] [osteomyelitis juvenilis chronica]infojuvenile chronic osteomyelitis, more common in the long bones of the arms and legs

juvenil myoklonisk epilepsi

serdülőkori összerándulásos epilepsiainfojuvenile myoclonic epilepsy, an epilepsy syndrome, myoclonic jerks [quick jerks of the arms or legs], generalized tonic-clonic seizures, GTCSs, and sometimes, absence seizures

juvenil neuronal ceroidlipofuscinos infoSpielmeyer-Vogts sjukdom, Juvenil Battens sjukdom

Vogt-Spielmeyer-betegség [juvenilis ceroid lipofuscinosis, Spielmeyer-Vogt typus]infojuvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses, JNCL, Batten disease, a heterogeneous group of incurable lysosomal storage diseases that lead to blindness, epilepsy, dementia, and motor deterioration

juvenil neurosyfilis infosen medfödd neurosyfilis

fiatalkori szifilisz · juvenilis neuroszifilisz [f.r.] [syphilis juvenilis]infojuvenile syphilis, juvenile neurosyphilis

juvenil panosteit

egész csontállományra kiterjedő fiatalkori gyulladás [juvenilis panosteitis]infojuvenile panosteitis, juvenile inflammation covering the entire bone mass

juvenil panostit hos hund

eb fiatalkori csontvelőgyulladása [panostitis juvenilis caninum]infojuvenile panostitis of dog, femureosinophilic panosteitis, osteomyelitis, enostosis, fibrous osteodystrophy, juvenile osteomyelitis, 'eo pan', 'long-bone disease', a spontaneously occurring bone disease, affected bones include the humerus, radius, ulna, tibia

juvenil periodontit

fiatakori gyökérhártyagyulladás [periodontitis juvenilis, paradentitis juvenilis]infojuvenile periodontitis, severe loss of attachment and destruction of alveolar bone around one or more permanent teeth in otherwise healthy adolescent

juvenil plantar dermatos infoatopiska vinterfötter

verejtékes zokni-szindrómainfojuvenile plantar dermatosis, JPD, 'wet and dry foot syndrome', red, scaly lesion that affects the weight-bearing regions of the sole of the foot

juvenil progressiv hjärnskleros

fiatalkori primér laterál sclerosisinfojuvenile primary lateral sclerosis, a rare disorder characterized by progressive weakness and tightness [spasticity] of muscles in the arms, legs, and face

juvenil reumatoid artrit

gyermekkori krónikus ízületi gyulladás · gyermekkori rheumatoid arthritis [juvenilis rheumatoid arthritis]infojuvenile rheumatoid arthritis

juvenilt xantogranulom

gyermekkori xantogranulóma [juvenilis xanthogranuloma]infojuvenile xanthogranuloma, JXG, a benign skin lump or bump caused by a collection of histiocytes

juver med lymfknutor

tőgy feletti nyirokcsomók [lymphonodi supramammarii]infolymph nodes above the udder, at the caudal border of the base of the udder

juver underskott infostörning i utvecklingen

tőgy hiánya · tőgyhiány [f.r.] [amastia]infolack of udder

juveraktinos -en -er infostrålsvamp

tőgyactinomycosis [P: Actinomyces fajok] [actinomycosis uberis]infoudder actinomycosis, hardened lump in the udder tissue

juveramputation -en -er

tőgyamputáció · tőgycsonkolás [amputatio mammae, mastectomia]infomastectomy, a surgical operation to remove an udder

juverblödning -en -ar

tőgyvérzés [haemorrhagia mammae, haemmorhagia uberis]infoudder bleeding, causes trauma to udder and teat

juverböld -en -er

tőgytályog [abscessus uberis]infoudder abscess

juvereksem -et - · -er -

allergiás tőgykiütés · tőgyekcéma [eczema uberis]infoallergic udder rash, udder eczema

juverhudinflammation -en -er

tőgybimbó bőrének gyulladás [mamillitis externa, thelitis externa]infoinflammation of the skin of the teat