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hilus - betyder på ungerska medicinsk

SvenskaUngerska medicinsk
hilus - infonedsänkning, grop på ett organ

szerven levő bemélyedés · nyílás [hilum, hilus]infohilum, hilus, a depression or fissure where structures such as blood vessels and nerves enter an organ

hilus -

tüdőgyökér · tüdőkapu [hilus pulmonis, radix pulmonis]infohilum of the lung, lung root, consist mainly of the major bronchi and the pulmonary arteries and veins

hilus i äggstock

petefészekkapu · petefészek köldöke [hilum ovarii, hilus ovarii]infohilum of ovary, the depression along the mesovarian margin, at the insertion of the mesovarium, where vessels and nerves enter or leave the ovary

hilusförstoring -en -ar

hilus-megnagyobbodásinfohilar enlargement [lymphadenopathy and tumors, pulmonary venous hypertension, pulmonary arterial hypertension, increased pulmonary blood flow]

hilusinflammation -en -er

hilus-gyulladás [hilitis]infohilitis, inflammation of the lining membrane of any hilus

hiluskörtel -n hiluskörtlar

tüdőkapu-nyirokcsomó [lymphoglandula hili]infohilar lymph node

hiluslymfom -en -er

tüdőkapu nyirokszövet-daganat [pl. tüdő-szarkoidózisban] [lymphoma hili [pulmonis]]infohilar lymph node tumour

leverhilus -

májkapu [hilus hepatis]infoliver hilum, porta hepatis, a fissure or opening that allows various structures to pass into and out of the liver

lunghilus -en

tüdőkapu [hilus pulmonis]infohilus of the lungs, a depressed surface at the center of the medial surface of the lung and lies anteriorly to fifth through seventh thoracic vertebrae