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SvenskaUngerska medicinsk
tabes dorsalis

gerincsorvadás [P: Treponema pallidum] [tabes dorsalis]infotabes dorsalis, spinal atrophy

tabetisk artropati

Charcot-féle arthropathia [P: Treponema pallidum] [arthropatia tabetica Charcot]infoCharcot arthropathy, progressive destruction of bone and soft tissues at weightbearing joints

tabetisk okulär kris

Pel-szindróma [P: Treponema pallidum] [tabeses szem-crisis]infoPel syndrome, tabetic ocular crises

taboparalysi -n

tabes dorsalis szövődése paralysis progressivával [P: Treponema pallidum] [taboparalysis]infotaboparesis, a late effect of syphilitic infection of the nervous system in which the patient shows features of tabes dorsalis and general paralysis of the insane

taggcell -en -er

csírasejt [mátrix, prickle-cell, Malpighian cell]infogerm cell, prickle-cell, Malpighian cell

taggig cell

tüskéssejt [cellula spinosa]infospinous cell, prickle cell, keratin producing epidermal cell

Takahara-syndrom -et -

Takahara-szindróma [f.r.] [acatalasaemia]infoTakahara's, disease, congenital absence of catalase enzuyme

Takayasus arterit infoTakayasu-syndrom

aortaív-szindróma · Takayasu-szindrómainfoTakayasu's arteritis, a rare type of vasculitis, a group of disorders that causes blood vessel inflammation

taket av fjärde hjärnventrikeln

a negyedik agykamra teteje [tegmen ventriculi quarti]inforoof of fourth ventricle, dorsal surface of the fourth ventricle

taket i mellanörat

dobüreg csontos teteje [tegmen tympani]infotegmen tympani, a thin plate of bone that covers the middle ear and separates it from the cranial cavity

takhinna -n takhinnor

Corti-szervet fedő membrán [membrana tectoria]infomembrana tectoria, situated within the vertebral canal, a broad, strong bands which covers the odontoid process and its ligaments

takhinnan som cker cochlea kanalen

ductus cochlearis tectorialis membránja [tectorium]infotectorium, covering, tectorial membrane that covers the cochlear duct

takotsubo - infobrustet hjärta, stressinducerad kardiomyopati

megtört szív szindróma · Takotsubo szindróma [takotsubo cardiomyopathia]infobroken heart syndrome, stress cardiomyopathy, Takotsubo syndrome, sudden acute stress that can rapidly weaken the heart muscle

takrolimus -en

Takrolimusz [Tacrolimusum]infoTacrolimus, immunosuppressive agent used for prophylaxis of organ rejection post-transplant

talamencefalon -en infosom avser talamus

thalamus - metathalamus - epithalamus [thalamencephalon]infothalamencephalon, part of the diencephalon of the brain that includes the thalamus, pineal gland, and adjacent structures, diencephalon

talamuskärna -n talamuskärnor

talamuszmag [nucleus thalamicus]infothalamic nucleus, the clusters of densely packed neuronal cell bodies that comprise the thalamus

talamussyndrom -et

thalamus syndroma [centrális fájadalom [hyperpathia]+érzékzavar [dysaesthesia]]

talamussyndrom -et infocentralt smärttillstånd i kroppen kombinerat med känselrubbning

thalamus syndroma [dysaesthesia]infothalamus syndrome, thalamic pain syndrome or central post-stroke pain, disruptions of one of the pathways of the brain that affects the sensation of temperature

talassemi -n -er infothalassemi, ärftlig sjukdom som drabbar de röda blodkropparna, genom att det bildas abnormt hemoglobin i dessa

thalassemia · Cooley-féle an[a]emia · Földközi tenger vidéki vörösvérsejt-oldódásos vérszegénység [sideroachrestic anemia, thalassemia]infothalassemia, inherited blood disorder, the body doesn't make enough of hemoglobin

talassemia minor infotalassemia minima,

enyhe thalassaemia [Rietti-Greppi-Michei-szindróma] [thalassaemia minima, thalassaemia minor]infoRietti-Greppi-Micheli's disease, one of thalassemic syndrome

talgkörteladenom -et -

faggyúmirigy-adenoma [adenoma sebaceum]infoadenoma sebaceum, angiokeratoma in tuberous sclerosis, misnomer for facial angiofibromas occurring as a skin manifestation of tuberous sclerosis

talgkörtelinflammation -en -er

faggyúmirigy-gyulladás [adenitis sebacea]infosebaceous adenitis, an inflammatory disease directed against the sebaceous glands of the skin

talgsekret -et

faggyúváladék [sebum, materia sebacea, secretum sebaceum]infosebum, oily substance that protects the skin from drying out

talgsekretionsbesvär -et -

faggyúelválasztás zavara [parasteatosis]infoparasteatosis, a changed texture of the skin of the sebum

talhämning -en -ar infoofrivilliga tystnader i talet

beszédgátlás · beszédmegakadásinfoinhibition of speech acts

talidomid -et

Thalidomid [Thalidomidum] [R]infoThalidomide, treatment of nausea in pregnant women resulted in severe birth defects

tallkottkörtel -n tallkottkörtlar

tobozmirigy · toboztest [conarium, corpus pineale, conarium, epithalamus, epiphysis cerebri]infopineal gland, pineal body, epiphysis cerebri, a tiny gland in the brain, located beneath the back part of the corpus callosum

tallkottkörtel dysfunktion

tobozmirigy dysfunctioinfopineal gland dysfunction

tallkottkörtel recess

toboztest ürege [recessus pinealis]infopineal recess, epiphyseal recess, a small angular recess or diverticulum, sits at the posterior margin of the third ventricle

tallkottkörteln handtag

tobozmirigy nyele [habenula epiphyseos]infohabenula, Hb, an evolutionarily conserved diencephalic structure


tobozmirigy-bántalom [pinealopathia]infopinealopathy, a nonspecific term for any disease of the pineal gland

tallkottkörteln tumör

tobozmirigy-daganat [pinealoma]infopinealoma, tumor, a germinoma of the pineal gland or pineal region

talocalcaneal led infotalocalcaneusled

ugrócsont-sarokcsonti-ízület [articulatio talocalcanea]infotalocalcaneal joint, clinical subtalar joint, a complex joint in the hindfoot that allows articulation of the talus and calcaneus

talokrural led

talocruralis ízület [articulus talocruralis]infotalocrural joint, ankle joint, tibiotalar joint, forms the articulation between the foot and the leg

talushuvud -et -en · -

csigacsont feje [caput tali]infocaput tali, head of talus

tamoxifen -et

Tamoxifen [Tamoxifen]infoTamoxifen, a hormone therapy drug to treat breast cancer in women and men

tampongsjuka -n

toxicus shock-szindróma [TSS] [P: Staphilococcus aureus toxin]infotoxic shock syndrome, TSS, rare, life-threatening complication of certain types of bacterial infections

tanatofor -t -a infotanatoforisk

halálos · halált hozó · tanatofor [thanatophor]infothanatophoric,iInfants with thanatophoric dysplasia are usually stillborn or die shortly after birth from respiratory failure

tanatofor dvärgväxt infotanatofor dysplasi

thanatofor törpeséginfothanatophoric dysplasia, extremely short limbs and folds of extra [redundant] skin on the arms and legs

tanatoforisk dvärgväxt

thanatophoricus rövid alkat · thanatophoricus törpeséginfothanatophoric dysplasia, the lethal skeletal dysplasia, underdevelopment of the skeleton and short-limb dwarfism