Svensk-Ungerska medicinsk ordbok »

gall... betyder på ungerska medicinsk

SvenskaUngerska medicinsk
gallsten i koledokus med kolangit

epeútkő epeútgyulladással [calculus choledochi cum cholangiti]infogallstone with cholangitis

gallsten i koledokus med kolecystit

epeútkő epehólyag-gyulladással [calculus choledochi cum cholecystiti]infogallstone with cholecystitis

gallsten i koledokus utan kolangit

epeútkő epeút-gyulladás nélkül [calculus choledochi sine cholangiti]infogallstone without cholangitis [calculus choledochi sine cholangiti

gallsten i koledokus utan kolecystit

epeútkő epehólyag-gyulladás nélkül [calculus choledochi sine cholecystiti]infocholecystitis gallstone without cholecystitis

gallsten i stora gallgången infogallstensjukdom

epekő a nagy epeutakban · epekőbetegség [cholelithiasis]infogallstone in the large bile ducts

gallstenfall -et -

epeköves eset [casus cholelithiasis]infocase of gallstones

gallstensanfall -et - infobiliär kolik, gallstensattack, gallanfall

epekőroham [colica biliaris, -hepatica]infogallstone attack

gallstensbesvär -et -

epekőbántalom · epekőpanaszinfogallstone disorder, gallstone complaint

gallstensileus -en -er

epekő ileus · epekő okozta bélhűdés [gallstone ileus]infogallstone 'ileus', an infrequent complication of cholelithiasis

gallstenskolik -en -er

epegörcs [colica biliaris, -hepatica]infobiliary spasm

epekőkólika [colica biliaris, -hepatica]infogallstone colic


epekőhöz hasonló · epekőszerűinfogallstone-like


epekőoldó [pl. szer] [cholelitholyticus]infocholelitholytic, able to dissolve or destroy gallstones

gallstenslösande -t -n

epekőoldás [cholelitholysis]infocholelitholysis, gallstone dissolution

gallstensoperation -en -er

epekőműtét [cholelithotomia]infocholelithotomy, removal of gallstone through an incision in the gallbladder

gallstenssjukdom -en -ar

epekőbetegség [morbus-, calculus biliaris, -cholelithicus]infogallstone disease

gallstenstömning -en -ar

epekőürítés · epekőürülésinfogallstone evacuation, gallstone emptying

gallstimulerande medel

epestimuláló szer [cholagogum]infocholagogue, a drug or other substance that promotes the flow of bile from the gall bladder into the duodenum

gallström -men -mar

epefolyás [cholerrhagia]infocholerrhagia, bile flow, bile travels through the liver in a series of ducts, eventually exiting through the common hepatic duct.

gallsyra -n gallsyror

epesav [Acidum cholicum]infobile acid


epesavkötő [connectivus acidi gallici]infobile acid binder

gallsyrabindare -n -

epesavkötő[szer] [connectivus acidi gallici]infobile acid binder remedy


epesavtartalmú [pl. gyógyszer]infobile acid containing

galltillblandning -en -ar

epe-hozzákeveredés · epe-hozzákeverés [admixtio bilis]infoadmixture of bile

gallträd -et gallträn

epeút-elágazásinfobile duct branching

gallväg -en -ar

epeút [ductus biliaris]infobile duct

gallvägsatresi -n -er infomissbildning i gallvägarna utanför l. inne i levern som gör att galla inte kan komma ner i tarmen

epeút-atresia [f.r.]infobiliary atresia, the bile ducts are scarred and blocked

gallvägsblödning -en -ar

epeúti vérzés [haemorrhagia cholecystae]infohemorrhagic gallbladder

gallvägscancer -n gallvägscancrar infogallvägskancer, cancer i gallgångarna, - gallblåsan

epeúti rák [carcinoma ductus biliaris]infobile duct cancer

gallvägshinder gallvägshindret

epeúti akadály [inhibito ductus biliaris]infobile duct obstruction

gallvägsinflammation -en -er

epeúti gyulladás [cholecystitis]infocholecystitis, inflammation of the gallbladder

gallvägskolik -en -er

epeúti kólika [colica ductus biliaris]infobiliary colic

gallvägssjukdom -en -ar

epeút-megbetegedésinfobile duct disease

gallvätska -n gallvätskor

epefolyadék [fluidum biliare, bilis]infobile fluid, which flows through a small tube into the upper part of duodenum

