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-czy meaning in English

postawić się na czyimś miejscu verb

put oneself in someone's shoesverb
look at a situation as if one were the other person

powój czyszczący noun


poza czy adverb

away from one's usual place or not indoors

prędzej czy później adverb

sooner or lateradverb
set phrase; eventually

propaganda czynem noun

propaganda of the deednoun
a provocative act of political violence intended to inspire imitators and foment an anarchist revolt

przejść nad czymś do porządku dziennego verb

take something in strideverb
cope with something unfortunate without much effort

pytasz dzika, czy sra w lesie

does a bear shit in the woodsemphatic yes by way of an idiomatic, rhetorical question

raz czy dwa

once or twicea small, indefinite number of times

rozkład na czynniki pierwsze noun

prime factorizationnoun
factorization of a positive integer

strona czynna noun

active voicenoun
the form in which the subject of a verb carries out some action

substancja czynna

active ingredient

tak czy inaczej

in any caseat any rate

tak czy inaczej adverb

either wayadverb
regardless of what happens

one way or anotheradverb
somehow, but certainly

tak czy owak

in any caseat any rate

in any eventat any rate

tak czy siak

in any caseat any rate

trening czyni mistrza

practice makes perfectif one practices an activity enough, one will eventually master it

w czyim chlebie smakujemy, tego i pochlebujemy

when in Rome, do as the Romans dobehave as those around do

w czym Pan Bóg stworzył adjective

completely nude

w czym problem?

what's the matterwhat's wrong?

w związku z czym

and therefore

wiara czyni cuda

faith will move mountainsproverb

wiedzieć o czymś z dobrego źródła verb

have something on good authorityverb

wulkan czynny noun

active volcanonoun
active volcano

wyciągać kasztany z ognia czyimiś rękami

pull chestnuts out of the fire

z czystym sumieniem adverb

in conscienceadverb
in fairness; by all that is right and fair

zbyt czysty adjective


zdolny do czynienia równomiernym adjective


zdolny do rozkładania na czynniki adjective


znać się na czy verb

know one's stuffverb
be generally experienced and knowledgeable

znaleźć się w czyjejś skórze verb

put oneself in someone's shoesverb
look at a situation as if one were the other person

żywy czy martwy adjective

dead or aliveadjective
wanted poster term