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traiectum meaning in English

Traiectum proper noun
{n}, Ultraiectum {n}, Traiectum ad Rhenum {n}

Utrecht(province of the Netherlands)
proper noun
[UK: ˈjuː.trekt] [US: ˈjuː.trekt]

Traiectum, Ultraiectum, Traiectum ad Rhenum proper noun

Utrecht(city in the Netherlands)
proper noun
[UK: ˈjuː.trekt] [US: ˈjuː.trekt]

Mosae Traiectum proper noun

Maastricht(capital of the province of Limburg in The Netherlands)
proper noun
[UK: ˈmɑː.strɪkt] [US: ˈmɑː.ˌstrɪkt]