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specials meaning in English

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specials is the inflected form of special.

special [specials] noun
[UK: ˈspeʃ.l̩]
[US: ˈspeʃ.l̩]



special subject noun
[UK: ˈspeʃ.l̩ sʌb.ˈdʒekt]
[US: ˈspeʃ.l̩ sʌb.ˈdʒekt]


special subject [UK: ˈspeʃ.l̩ sʌb.ˈdʒekt]
[US: ˈspeʃ.l̩ sʌb.ˈdʒekt]

speciális érdeklődési kör

Do you have any specials? [UK: duː juː həv ˈ ˈspeʃ.l̩z]
[US: ˈduː ˈjuː həv ˈ ˈspeʃ.l̩z]

Van valamilyen specialitásuk?◼◼◼

today's specials are on the board [UK: tə.ˈdeɪz ˈspeʃ.l̩z ə(r) ɒn ðə bɔːd]
[US: tə.ˈdeɪz ˈspeʃ.l̩z ˈɑːr ɑːn ðə ˈbɔːrd]

a mai nap specialitása a táblán van kiírva