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pebbled meaning in English

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pebbled is the inflected form of pebble.

pebble [pebbled, pebbling, pebbles] verb
[UK: ˈpeb.l̩]
[US: ˈpeb.l̩]

kövekkel hajigálige

pebble-dash noun
[UK: ˈpeb.l̩ ˈdæʃ]
[US: ˈpeb.l̩ ˈdæʃ]

benyomott kavicsos vakolatfőnév

kavicsos vakolóhabarcsfőnév

pebble-dash adjective
[UK: ˈpeb.l̩ ˈdæʃ]
[US: ˈpeb.l̩ ˈdæʃ]

kőtörmelékes vakolóhabarcsmelléknév