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motorcycles meaning in English

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motorcycles is the inflected form of motorcycle.

motorcycle [motorcycles] noun
[UK: ˈməʊ.tə.saɪk.l̩]
[US: ˈmoʊ.tə.saɪk.l̩]

motorkerékpár◼◼◼főnévDo you have a motorcycle? = Van motorkerékpárod?

motor◼◼◼főnévMy motorcycle is new. = Új motorom van.

motorbicikli◼◼◻főnévDo you have a motorcycle? = Van motorbiciklid?

motor-cycle [motor-cycles] noun
[UK: ˈməʊ.tə(r) ˈsaɪk.l̩]
[US: ˈmoʊ.tə(r) ˈsaɪk.l̩]

