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hesitates meaning in English

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hesitates is the inflected form of hesitate.

hesitate [hesitated, hesitating, hesitates] verb
[UK: ˈhe.zɪ.teɪt]
[US: ˈhe.zə.ˌtet]

habozik◼◼◼igeEveryone hesitated. = Mindenki habozott.

tétovázik◼◼◻igeShe hesitated for a second. = Tétovázott egy pillanatig.

hezitál◼◼◻igeWhy did John hesitate? = John miért hezitált?

vonakodik◼◼◻igeI hesitated to go to the movie with him. = Vonakodtam moziba menni vele.


lacafacázik (átv)ige

he hesitates at nothing [UK: hiː ˈhe.zɪ.teɪts ət ˈnʌ.θɪŋ]
[US: ˈhiː ˈhe.zə.ˌtets ət ˈnʌ.θɪŋ]

nem tétovázik

he who hesitates is lost [UK: hiː huː ˈhe.zɪ.teɪts ɪz lɒst]
[US: ˈhiː ˈhuː ˈhe.zə.ˌtets ˈɪz ˈlɒst]

aki habozik, az veszít (átv)

elvész, aki habozik (átv)