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diphthongs meaning in English

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diphthongs is the inflected form of diphthong.

diphthong [diphthongs] noun
[UK: ˈdɪf.θɒŋ]
[US: ˈdɪf.ˌθɒŋ]

kettőshangzó (diphthongia, diplophonia)◼◼◼főnév

diftongus (diphthongia, diplophonia)◼◼◻főnév

kettőshang (diphthongia, diplophonia)◼◻◻főnév

narrow diphthongs (the ones that end with a vowel which on a vowel chart is quite close to the one that begins the diphthong) plural

közeli kettőshangzóktöbbesszámú főnév