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semence meaning in English

semence nom {f}

seed [seeds]◼◼◼(any small seed-like fruit)
[UK: siːd] [US: ˈsiːd]
From the rotten seed comes to us the nutritious fruit. = De la semence pourrie nous vient le fruit nourrissant.

seed [seeds]◼◼◼(collective: amount of seeds that cannot be readily counted)
[UK: siːd] [US: ˈsiːd]
From the rotten seed comes to us the nutritious fruit. = De la semence pourrie nous vient le fruit nourrissant.

seed [seeds]◼◼◼(offspring, descendants, progeny, see also: offspring; progeny)
[UK: siːd] [US: ˈsiːd]
From the rotten seed comes to us the nutritious fruit. = De la semence pourrie nous vient le fruit nourrissant.

semen [semina]◼◼◻(male reproductory fluid)
[UK: ˈsiː.mən] [US: ˈsiː.mən]

sperm [sperms]◼◻◻(semen (fluid))
[UK: spɜːm] [US: ˈspɝːm]
The sperm from male humans originates in the seminiferous tubules which are located in the testes. = Les semences de l'homme proviennent des tubules séminifères qui sont situés dans les testicules.

clou semence nom {m}

tack [tacks](small nail)
[UK: tæk] [US: ˈtæk]

ensemencer verbe

seed [seeded, seeding, seeds]◼◼◼(to plant or sow seeds)
[UK: siːd] [US: ˈsiːd]
Seed the fields with wheat. = Ensemencez les champs de blé.