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les meaning in English

adulescent nom

kidult◼◼◼(middle-aged person who participates of youth culture)

agence de nouvelles nom {f}

news agency◼◼◼(organisation that gathers and distributes news)
[UK: ˈnjuːz.ˌeɪ.dʒən.sɪ] [US: ˈnjuːz.ˌeɪ.dʒən.sɪ]

aléser verbe

ream [reamed, reaming, reams]◼◼◼(to enlarge a hole)
[UK: riːm] [US: ˈriːm]

Alesi nom propre

Alesi◼◼◼proper noun
[UK: aˈ] [US: aˈ]

alésoir nom {m}

reamer [reamers]◼◼◼(tool for boring)
[UK: ˈriː.mə(r)] [US: ˈriː.mər]

aller se faire pomper (chez les Grecs) verbe

fuck off(go to hell, disappear, screw oneself)
[UK: fʌk ɒf] [US: ˈfək ˈɒf]

aller se faire voir chez les Grecs interjection

kiss my ass(go away)

aller se faire voir chez les Grecs phrase

go fly a kite(go away, see also: go away; get lost)

aller se faire voir (chez les Grecs) verbe

fuck off◼◼◼(go to hell, disappear, screw oneself)
[UK: fʌk ɒf] [US: ˈfək ˈɒf]

alvéoles pulmonaires nom {f pl}

alveolus [alveoli]◼◼◼(small air sac in the lungs)
[UK: ˌæˈəʊ.ləs] [US: ˌæl.viˈo.ʊ.ləs]

amarrer (with ropes or cables) verbe

moor [moored, mooring, moors]◼◼◼(to fix or secure, as a vessel, in a particular place by casting anchor, or by fastening with cables or chains)
[UK: mʊə(r)] [US: ˈmʊr]
Moor the ship at the pier. = Amarrez le navire à la jetée.

Ángeles nom propre

Angeles◼◼◼(city in the Philippines)
proper noun
[UK: ˈeɪn.dʒəlz] [US: ˈeɪn.dʒəlz]

annales nom {f pl}

annals [annals]◼◼◼(a relation of events)
[UK: ˈæn.l̩z] [US: ˈæn.l̩z]
Love which is not unhappy is unworthy of figuring in the annals of literature. = L'amour qui n'est pas malheureux est indigne de figurer aux annales de la littérature.

annals [annals]◼◼◼(historical records; chronicles)
[UK: ˈæn.l̩z] [US: ˈæn.l̩z]
Love which is not unhappy is unworthy of figuring in the annals of literature. = L'amour qui n'est pas malheureux est indigne de figurer aux annales de la littérature.

anneau d'ensembles nom {m}

ring [rings](family of sets...)
[UK: rɪŋ] [US: ˈrɪŋ]

anticholestérol adjectif


Antilles nom propre

proper noun
[UK: æn.ˈtɪ.liz] [US: æn.ˈtɪ.liz]

West Indies◼◼◼(islands of the Caribbean sea)
proper noun

Antilles néerlandaises nom propre

Netherlands Antilles◼◼◼(former autonomous territory)
proper noun
[UK: ˈne.ðə.ləndz æn.ˈtɪ.liz] [US: ˈne.ðər.ləndz æn.ˈtɪ.liz]

apprendre les ficelles du métier verbe

learn the ropes◼◼◼(learn the basics)
[UK: lɜːn ðə rəʊps] [US: ˈlɝːn ðə roʊps]

arabe palestinien nom propre

Palestinian Arabic◼◼◼proper noun

arbre à feuilles persistantes nom {m}

evergreen◼◼◼(tree or shrub)
[UK: ˈe.və.ɡriːn] [US: ˈe.vər.ˌɡrin]

Archipel des Mille-Îles / archipel des Mille-Îles / Mille-Îles / Archipel des Mille Îles / archipel des Mille Îles / Mille Îles nom propre

Thousand Islandsproper noun

Arles nom propre

Arles◼◼◼(city in France)
proper noun
[UK: ɑːl] [US: ɑːl]
In Arles I saw a bullfight. = À Arles j'ai vu une course de taureaux.

armure d'écailles nom {f}

scale [scales]◼◼◼(scale mail)
[UK: skeɪl] [US: ˈskeɪl]

arracher les mots de la bouche verbe

take the words out of someone's mouthverb

arranger les choses verbe

mop up◼◼◼(To fix problems; to correct or repair)
[UK: mɒp ʌp] [US: ˈmɑːp ʌp]

arrêter les frais verbe

call it a day◼◼◼(to retire)
[UK: kɔːl ɪt ə deɪ] [US: ˈkɒl ˈɪt ə ˈdeɪ]

cut one's losses(discontinue an effort that seems unlikely to ever bear fruit)
[UK: kʌt wʌnz ˈlɒ.sɪz] [US: ˈkət wʌnz ˈlɒ.səz]

assemblée des fidèles nom {f}

congregation [congregations]◼◼◼(religious gathering of people in a place of worship)
[UK: ˌkɒŋ.ɡrɪ.ˈɡeɪʃ.n̩] [US: ˌkɑːŋ.ɡrə.ˈɡeɪʃ.n̩]

au royaume des aveugles phrase

in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king◼◼◼(In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king)
[UK: ɪn ðə lænd əv ðə blaɪnd ðə wʌn aɪd mæn ɪz kɪŋ] [US: ɪn ðə ˈlænd əv ðə ˈblaɪnd ðə wʌn ˈaɪd ˈmæn ˈɪz ˈkɪŋ]

aurales adjectif

aural◼◼◼(of or pertaining to sound)
[UK: ˈɔː.rəl] [US: ˈɔː.rəl]

aux dernières nouvelles phrase

the last I heard◼◼◼phrase

aux grands maux les grands remèdes phrase

desperate times call for desperate measures◼◼◼(in adverse circumstances, actions that might have been rejected may become the best choice)

aux idiots l'argent brûle entre les doigts [Fools' money burns through their fingers] phrase

a fool and his money are soon parted(it is easy to get money from foolish people)

aux idiots l'argent file entre les doigts [Fools' money slips through their fingers] phrase

a fool and his money are soon parted◼◼◼(it is easy to get money from foolish people)

aux muscles hypertrophiés adjectif


auxquelles adverbe

[UK: ˌweə.ˈtuː] [US: ˌweə.ˈtuː]

avez-vous les oreilles qui sifflent ? phrase

are your ears burning(asked of somebody who was not present but was the topic of discussion)

avoir des fourmis dans les jambes nom

pins and needles(tingling felt in limb)
[UK: pɪnz ənd ˈniːd.l̩z] [US: ˈpɪnz ænd ˈniːd.l̩z]