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fêtes meaning in English

fêtes nom propre

Yule◼◼◼(the Christmas season)
proper noun
[UK: juːl] [US: ˈjuːl]

bonnes fêtes phrase

happy holidays◼◼◼(holiday greeting)
[UK: ˈhæp.i ˈhɒl.ə.deɪz] [US: ˈhæp.i ˈhɑːl.ə.deɪz]

Douze Grandes Fêtes nom propre

Great Feasts◼◼◼(twelve feasts of the Eastern Orthodox Church)
proper noun

grandes fêtes nom propre

High Holidays◼◼◼(Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, collectively)
proper noun

joyeuses fêtes phrase

happy holidays◼◼◼(holiday greeting)
[UK: ˈhæp.i ˈhɒl.ə.deɪz] [US: ˈhæp.i ˈhɑːl.ə.deɪz]

période des fêtes nom {f}

holiday season◼◼◼(period of the late fall and early winter when several holidays occur)

saison des fêtes nom

holiday season◼◼◼(period of the late fall and early winter when several holidays occur)