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et si meaning in English

et si adverbe

what if◼◼◼(used to introduce speculation about future)
[UK: ˈwɒt ɪf] [US: ˈhwʌt ˈɪf]

what if◼◼◼(used to introduce speculation about past)
[UK: ˈwɒt ɪf] [US: ˈhwʌt ˈɪf]

what if◼◼◼(used to introduce suggestion)
[UK: ˈwɒt ɪf] [US: ˈhwʌt ˈɪf]

si ça nage comme un canard et si ça cancane comme un canard phrase

if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duckphrase