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-one meaning in Portuguese

have butterflies in one's stomach (be nervous)
[UK: həv ˈbʌt.ə.flaɪz ɪn wʌnz ˈstʌ.mək]
[US: həv ˈbʌt.r̩.flaɪz ɪn wʌnz ˈstʌ.mək]

estar comverb

frio na barrigaverb


have eyes bigger than one's stomach (take more food than one can eat)

ter mais olhos que barrigaverb

ter os olhos maiores que a bocaverb

have one foot in the grave verb

estar com os pés na covaverb

estar com os pés para a covaverb

ter um pé na covaverb

have one's cake and eat it too (to seek to have two things which are mutually incompatible)

querer sol na eira e chuva no nabalverb

ter sol na eira e chuva no nabalverb

have one's hands full (be busy or thoroughly preoccupied)
[UK: həv wʌnz hændz fʊl]
[US: həv wʌnz ˈhændz ˈfʊl]

estar de mãos cheiasverb

help oneself (take something freely)


hold one's breath (to hold one's breath)
[UK: həʊld wʌnz breθ]
[US: hoʊld wʌnz ˈbreθ]

prender a respiraçãoverb

hold one's head high (act with pride)
[UK: həʊld wʌnz hed haɪ]
[US: hoʊld wʌnz ˈhed ˈhaɪ]

manter a cabeça erguidaverb

hold one's horses (idiomatic: to be patient)
[UK: həʊld wʌnz ˈhɔː.sɪz]
[US: hoʊld wʌnz ˈhɔːr.səz]

aguentar os cavalosverb

hold one's tongue (refrain from talking about something, see also: shut up)
[UK: həʊld wʌnz tʌŋ]
[US: hoʊld wʌnz ˈtəŋ]

morder a línguaverb

in one's own right (as a consequence of one's own skill, qualification or state)
[UK: ɪn wʌnz əʊn raɪt]
[US: ɪn wʌnz ˈoʊn ˈraɪt]

por si sópreposition

in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king (In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king)
[UK: ɪn ðə lænd əv ðə blaɪnd ðə wʌn aɪd mæn ɪz kɪŋ]
[US: ɪn ðə ˈlænd əv ðə ˈblaɪnd ðə wʌn ˈaɪd ˈmæn ˈɪz ˈkɪŋ]

em terra de cegos quem tem um olho é reiphrase

na terra dos cegos quem tem um olho é reiphrase

keep one's cool (to remain composed, calm)

manter a calmaverb

manter o sangue frioverb

kill two birds with one stone (solve two problems at once)
[UK: kɪl ˈtuː bɜːdz wɪð wʌn stəʊn]
[US: ˈkɪl ˈtuː ˈbɝːdz wɪθ wʌn ˈstoʊn]

matar dois coelhos com uma cajadada sóverb

know like the back of one's hand (be intimately knowledgable about)
[UK: nəʊ ˈlaɪk ðə ˈbæk əv wʌnz hænd]
[US: ˈnoʊ ˈlaɪk ðə ˈbæk əv wʌnz ˈhænd]

conhecer como a palma da mãoverb

laugh one's head off (laugh uproariously)
[UK: lɑːf wʌnz hed ɒf]
[US: ˈlæf wʌnz ˈhed ˈɒf]

morrer de rirverb

look before one leaps (think before taking action)

olhar antes de saltarverb

lose one's cool (to lose one's temper)
[UK: luːz wʌnz kuːl]
[US: ˈluːz wʌnz ˈkuːl]

passar-se dos carretosverb

perder a cabeçaverb

perder o sangue frioverb

lose one's head (behave irrationally or lose self-control)
[UK: luːz wʌnz hed]
[US: ˈluːz wʌnz ˈhed]

perder a cabeçaverb

lose one's life (to die)
[UK: luːz wʌnz laɪf]
[US: ˈluːz wʌnz ˈlaɪf]

perder a vidaverb

lose one's mind (to become insane)
[UK: luːz wʌnz maɪnd]
[US: ˈluːz wʌnz ˈmaɪnd]

perder a razãoverb

lose one's temper (to be explosively angry)
[UK: luːz wʌnz ˈtem.pə(r)]
[US: ˈluːz wʌnz ˈtem.pər]

perder as estribeirasverb

loved one (very close friend or family member)

ente queridonoun

make a show of oneself (To embarrass oneself or others in public)
[UK: ˈmeɪk ə ʃəʊ əv wʌn.ˈself]
[US: ˈmeɪk ə ˈʃoʊ əv wʌn.ˈself]

pagar micoverb

make a spectacle of oneself (To embarrass oneself or others in public)
[UK: ˈmeɪk ə ˈspek.tək.l̩ əv wʌn.ˈself]
[US: ˈmeɪk ə ˈspek.tək.l̩ əv wʌn.ˈself]

dar vexameverb

fazer um papelãoverb

pagar micoverb

passar ridículoverb

make an exhibition of oneself (to embarrass oneself in public)
[UK: ˈmeɪk ən ˌek.sɪ.ˈbɪʃ.n̩ əv wʌn.ˈself]
[US: ˈmeɪk ˈæn ˌek.sə.ˈbɪʃ.n̩ əv wʌn.ˈself]

dar vexameverb

pagar micoverb