English-Polish dictionary »

working meaning in Polish

working adjective
of or relating to employment


working adjective
suffices but requires additional work


working capital noun
current assets minus current liabilities

kapitał obrotowynoun

kapitał pracującynoun

working class noun
social class doing physical work

klasa robotniczanoun

working conditions noun
environment in which one works

warunki pracynoun

working day noun
day of a week in which work is done

dzień roboczynoun

working dog

pies pracujący

working girl


working hypothesis noun
hypothesis that is unverified yet tentatively chosen

hipoteza roboczanoun

working language noun
language with an official status in an international organization

język roboczynoun

working life noun
period spent in employment

życie zawodowenoun

working memory noun
cognitive system with a limited capacity

pamięć roboczanoun

working time noun
law: time spent at occupational labor

czas pracnynoun

hardworking adjective
taking their work seriously and doing it well and rapidly



metalworking noun
