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triangle meaning in Polish

triangle noun
percussion instrument


triangle noun


triangle inequality noun
the triangle inequality

nierówność trójkątanoun

triangle wave noun
function or waveform that alternately ramps linearly upwards and then downwards


acute triangle noun
triangle all of the angles of which are acute

trójkąt ostrokątnynoun

Bermuda Triangle noun
any area where things mysteriously disappear

trójkąt bermudzkinoun

Bermuda Triangle noun
area in the Atlantic Ocean

Trójkąt Bermudzkinoun

equilateral triangle noun
type of triangle

trójkąt równobocznynoun

isosceles triangle noun
triangle having two sides equal

trójkąt równoramiennynoun

love triangle noun
situation in which two people vie for the love of a third

trójkąt miłosnynoun

obtuse triangle noun
triangle with an obtuse angle

trójkąt rozwartokątnynoun

Pascal's triangle noun
Pascal's triangle

trójkąt Pascalanoun

right-angle triangle

trójkąt prostokątny

right triangle noun
a triangle having a right angle as one of its interior angles

trójkąt prostokątnynoun

setsquare triangle


Sierpinski triangle noun
a fractal consisting of three copies of itself

trójkąt Sierpińskiegonoun

warning triangle noun
a triangle used to warn other road users

trójkąt odblaskowynoun