English-Polish dictionary »

one- meaning in Polish

know someone from Adam verb


leave no stone unturned verb
perform a task thoroughly

poruszyć niebo i ziemięverb

leave no stone unturned verb
search thoroughly

poruszyć niebo i ziemięverb

leave someone alone

zostawić w spokoju

leave someone high and dry

wystawić do wiatru

leave someone holding the bag verb
leave somebody holding the responsibility or blame

wziąć dupę w trokiverb

leave someone in peace

zostawić w spokoju

leave someone in the lurch verb
to abandon somebody and leave him or her in a difficult situation

zostawić na lodzieverb

leave someone to their own devices verb
to leave alone, unsupervised, without assistance

pozostawiać samemu sobieverb

pozostawić samemu sobieverb

let someone go verb
to dismiss someone


lie in the bed one has made

zjeść tę żabę

lone wolf noun
criminal who acts alone

samotny wilknoun

lone wolf noun
person who avoids the company of others

samotny wilknoun

lone wolf noun
wolf that is not part of a pack

samotny wilknoun

make one debut


meet someone new


millstone round one's neck millstone around one's neck

kamień u szyi

more than one can shake a stick at adjective
occurring in abundance


none other than (used to qualify a person whose eminence may be more than one would expect)

nikt inny jak

none too

nie bardzo

not let someone out of one's sight

nie spuszczać z oczu

of one way kind type


offset one another


on the one hand from one point of view

z jednej strony

overtone singing noun
type of singing

śpiew alikwotowynoun

ozone depletion

dziura ozonowa

ozone hole noun
region of the stratosphere over Antarctica that is depleted of ozone in the local spring

dziura ozonowanoun

ozone layer noun
a region of the stratosphere


warstwa ozonowanoun

ozone therapy


phone book

książka telefoniczna

phone box

budka telefoniczna

phone sex noun
erotic or sexual telephone conversation between two or more people

seks przez telefonnoun

phone up verb
to contact by telephone


protect one another


put all one's eggs in one basket verb
to rely on a single source

postawić wszystko na jedną kartęverb

stawiać wszystko na jedną kartęverb

put someone in their place verb
to remind someone of his position


reap what one sows verb
to receive as a return or reward in the same measure as one’s exertions or intentions

nawarzyłeś piwa, to musisz je teraz wypićverb