English-Polish dictionary »

day meaning in Polish

at the end of the day in summary; ultimately

na koniec dnia


w ostatecznym rozrachunku

back in the day in the distant past


powrotem w dzień

bank holiday noun
a weekday granted to workers as a national holiday


be born yesterday verb
to be inexperienced

spaść z księżycaverb

better an egg today than a hen tomorrow

lepszy wróbel w garści niż gołąb na dachu

Birth-day of Christ

Boże Narodzenie

birthday noun


birthday noun
date of birth

data urodzenianoun

birthday boy noun
a male of any age whose birthday it is


birthday cake noun
a cake made to celebrate a birthday

tort urodzinowynoun

birthday girl noun
a woman or girl whose birthday it is


birthday party noun
a party held to celebrate a birthday

przyjęcie urodzinowenoun


birthday suit noun

strój Adamanoun

Black Friday noun
day after U.S. Thanksgiving Day

czarny piąteknoun

Black Friday noun
sales period involving heavy price reductions

czarny piąteknoun

Boxing Day noun
the day after Christmas: 26 December

drugi dzień świątnoun

break of day


by day during the day

za dnia

call it a day verb
to retire


catch of the day noun
a person who is a popular or desirable choice to be a partner in a prospective marital or romantic relationship


Christmas Day noun
the 25th of December

Boże Narodzenienoun

pierwszy dzień świątnoun


Boże Narodzenie

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints noun
major denomination of the Latter Day Saint movement

Kościół Jezusa Chrystusa Świętych w Dniach Ostatnichnoun

Clean Monday noun
First day of the Orthodox Lent

Czysty Poniedziałeknoun

clear as day adjective
quite clear

czarno na białymadjective

cold day in Hell noun
an event that will never happen

jak rak świśnie a ryba piśnienoun

ditch day noun
a day on which a group of students, generally the senior class, leaves the campus and its responsibilities for a day

Święto Lasunoun

dog days noun
the days between early July and early September


dog days noun
unpleasantly hot days


doomsday noun
day when God is expected to judge the world

Dzień Sądu Ostatecznegonoun

sąd ostatecznynoun


Sąd Ostateczny

Easter Monday noun
Monday after Easter Sunday

lany poniedziałeknoun

Easter Sunday noun
Easter Sunday

Niedziela Wielkanocnanoun

Ember day noun
any of the three days within the same week, four separate sets of which occur roughly equidistant in the circuit of the year, set aside for fasting and prayer

suche dninoun