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chick meaning in Polish

count one's chickens before they're hatched

dzielić skórę na niedźwiedziu

dabchick noun
type of bird


don't count your chickens before they're hatched one should not depend upon a favorable outcome to one's plans until it is certain to occur

nie chwal dnia przed zachodem słońca

nie dziel skóry na niedźwiedziu

nie mów hop, póki nie przeskoczysz

fried chicken noun
meat of chicken cut into pieces and deep-fried

smażony kurczaknoun

go to bed with the chickens

chodzić spać z kurami

grey-headed chickadee noun
Poecile cinctus

sikora północnanoun

have handwriting like chicken scratch

pisać jak kura pazurem

like a chicken with its head cut off in a frantic, disorganized manner

bez głowy

Mexican chickadee noun
Poecile sclateri

sikora meksykańskanoun

mountain chickadee noun
Poecile gambeli

sikora górskanoun

no spring chicken noun
person who is no longer particularly young

mieć swoje latanoun

rook chick


the chickens come home to roost a person's past wrongdoings will always return to negatively affect them (idiom)

cierp ciało, skoroś chciało


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