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wood meaning in Latin

made of cypress wood adjective

cupresseus [cupressea, cupresseum]adjective

cupressinus [cupressina, cupressinum]adjective

cypressinus [cypressina, cypressinum]adjective

made of holly / holly-wood adjective

acrufolius [acrufolia, acrufolium]adjective

made of holly-wood adjective

aquifolius [aquifolia, aquifolium]adjective

made of willow-wood / withes adjective

saligneus [salignea, saligneum]adjective

salignus [saligna, salignum]adjective

maple, of maple (wood) adjective

acerneus [acernea, acerneum]adjective

acernus [acerna, acernum]adjective

methanol (wood alcohol) noun
[UK: ˈme.θə.nɒl]
[US: ˈme.θə.ˌnɑːl]

methanolum [methanoli](2nd) N

not felled, not cut down (of woods) adjective

incaeduus [incaedua, incaeduum]adjective

note on woodwind noun

flamen [flaminis](3rd) N

oak wood / timber / object noun

quercus [quercus](4th) F

of / belonging to wood / forest, sylvan adjective

nemoralis [nemoralis, nemorale]adjective

of / pertaining to dried wood adjective

coctilicius [coctilicia, coctilicium]adjective

of a variety of oak tree / wood, perhaps durmast or Hungarian or Italian oak adjective

aesculeus [aesculea, aesculeum]adjective

aesculinus [aesculina, aesculinum]adjective

aesculnius [aesculnia, aesculnium]adjective

of alder-wood, alder adjective

alneus [alnea, alneum]adjective

of alder-wood, alder- adjective

alnus [alna, alnum]adjective

of arbustus wood adjective

arbuteus [arbutea, arbuteum]adjective

of arbutus wood adjective

arbustus [arbusta, arbustum]adjective

of beech-wood, beechen adjective

fagineus [faginea, fagineum]adjective

faginus [fagina, faginum]adjective

of boxwood adjective

buxeus [buxea, buxeum]adjective

buxiarius [buxiaria, buxiarium]adjective

of cedar / cedar-wood, cedar- adjective

cedrinus [cedrina, cedrinum]adjective

of oak, made of oak wood adjective

quernus [querna, quernum]adjective

of or used for wooden beams adjective

trabalis [trabalis, trabale]adjective

of plum tree wood adjective

prunitius [prunitia, prunitium]adjective

of the holm-oak, great scarlet oak, or its wood adjective

ilignus [iligna, ilignum]adjective

of the turpentine / terebinth (Pistacia ~) tree / wood adjective

terebenthinus [terebenthina, terebenthinum]adjective

terebinthinus [terebinthina, terebinthinum]adjective

of woods or groves adjective

nemorensis [nemorensis, nemorense]adjective

oil / wood-tar / pitch / resin obtained from cedar tree noun

cedrium [cedrii](2nd) N

one who collects firewood noun

lignator [lignatoris](3rd) M

one who fashions in wood noun

tornator [tornatoris](3rd) M

one who has received his rudis / wooden sword on retiring noun

rudiarius [rudiari(i)](2nd) M

picus ~ => woodpecker] adjective

arborarius [arboraria, arborarium]adjective

piece / block of wood noun

codex [codicis](3rd) M