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healthy meaning in Latin

healthy [healthier, healthiest] adjective
[UK: ˈhel.θi]
[US: ˈhel.θi]

bonus [bona -um, melior -or -us, optimus -a -um]adjective

sanus [sana, sanum]adjectiveHe was healthy. = Sanus erat.

healthy, salubrious adjective

saluber [salubris -e, salubrior -or -us, saluberrimus -a -um]adjective

be strong / powerful / influential / healthy verb

valeo [valere, valui, valitus](2nd)

morbid desire / passion, unhealthy moral condition noun

aegrotatio [aegrotationis](3rd) F

pestilential, unhealthy, unwholesome adjective

pestilens [(gen.), pestilentis]adjective

sick, ill, diseased, unhealthy adjective

causarius [causaria, causarium]adjective

sickly / unhealthy / diseased / prone to illness adjective

morbosus [morbosa, morbosum]adjective

unhealthy [unhealthier, unhealthiest] (conducive to poor health)
[UK: ʌn.ˈhel.θi]
[US: ʌn.ˈhel.θi]

aeger, aegrotusadjective

unhealthy [unhealthier, unhealthiest] adjective
[UK: ʌn.ˈhel.θi]
[US: ʌn.ˈhel.θi]

insalubris [insalubris, insalubre]adjective

morbidus [morbida, morbidum]adjective

pestilentiosus [pestilentiosa, pestilentiosum]adjective

unseasonable stormy, unhealthy adjective

intempestus [intempesta, intempestum]adjective

vigorous / healthy / robust adjective

valens [valentis (gen.), valentior -or -us, valentissimus -a -um]adjective

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