English | Latin |
growth [growths] noun [UK: ɡrəʊθ] [US: ɡroʊθ] | autus [auti](2nd) M |
growth, development, increase noun | incrementum [incrementi](2nd) N |
growth, increase, enlargement, act of increasing noun | auctus [auctus](4th) M |
growth of beard noun | barbitium [barbitii](2nd) N |
(modern) growth in the colon / uterus noun | polypus [polypi](2nd) M |
capable of growth adjective | vegetabilis [vegetabilis, vegetabile]adjective vegetativus [vegetativa, vegetativum]adjective |
cyst / growth characterized by honeycomb pattern noun | cerium [cerii](2nd) N |
dwindle, go back in growth verb | denascor [denasci, -](3rd) DEP |
enlargement of part / organ, excessive growth / development noun | hypertrophia [hypertrophiae](1st) F |
froth on sedge forming spongy growth noun | adarca [adarcae](1st) F adarce [adarces]noun |
giving / causing increase / growth adjective | auctificus [auctifica, auctificum]adjective |
increase, growth noun | adauctus [adauctus](4th) M crementum [crementi](2nd) N |
luxuriant, extensive (growth) adjective | prolixus [prolixa -um, prolixior -or -us, prolixissimus -a -um]adjective |
morbid internal growth noun | saeta [saetae](1st) F seta [setae](1st) F |
nourish / promote growth / well being verb | nutrico [nutricare, nutricavi, nutricatus](1st) TRANS nutricor [nutricari, nutricatus sum](1st) DEP |
piece of tissue (medical), fleshy growth noun | caruncula [carunculae](1st) F |
power of growth noun | vegetatio [vegetationis](3rd) F |
produce by growth verb | facio [facere, feci, factus](3rd) TRANS |
shoot, stem, stalk, growth noun | frutex [fruticis](3rd) M |
solidly (physical growth), thickly adverb | stolideadverb |
sprout, produce new growth (plants) verb | fructifico [fructificare, fructificavi, fructificatus](1st) INTRANS |
sprout, send forth new growth verb | pullulo [pullulare, pullulavi, pullulatus](1st) |
sprout / spring forth, arise / be born out of something by natural growth verb | enascor [enascari, enatus sum](1st) DEP |
strong in growth adjective | praevalidus [praevalida, praevalidum]adjective |
thick growth (plants) adjective | hirtus [hirta, hirtum]adjective |
thicket / jungle / growth of reeds / rushes (L+S) noun | arundinetum [arundineti](2nd) N harundinetum [harundineti](2nd) N |
till, cultivate, promote growth verb | colo [colere, colui, cultus](3rd) |
woody branch / growth / part of tree noun | materia [materiae](1st) F materies [materiei](5th) F |