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full (of) meaning in Latin

full of hollows or gaps adjective

lacunosus [lacunosa, lacunosum]adjective

full of ill omens, portentous adjective

abominosus [abominosa, abominosum]adjective

full of jesting / jokes / fun adjective

jocosus [jocosa, jocosum]adjective

full of joints, jointed adjective

articulosus [articulosa, articulosum]adjective

full of lurking places adjective

latebrosus [latebrosa, latebrosum]adjective

full of milk / sap, juicy adjective

lactens [(gen.), lactentis]adjective

full of mockery adjective

ludibriosus [ludibriosa, ludibriosum]adjective

full of moisture adjective

uliginosus [uliginosa, uliginosum]adjective

full of monsters adjective

portentuosus [portentuosa, portentuosum]adjective

full of nitron adjective

nitrosus [nitrosa, nitrosum]adjective

full of onions adjective

caeposus [caeposa, caeposum]adjective

ceposus [ceposa, ceposum]adjective

full of palms adjective

palmosus [palmosa, palmosum]adjective

full of pebbles, pebbly adjective

calculosus [calculosa, calculosum]adjective

full of phlegm adjective

pituitosus [pituitosa, pituitosum]adjective

full of pits adjective

voraginosus [voraginosa, voraginosum]adjective

full-of-poison adjective

virulentus [virulenta, virulentum]adjective

full of prudence / wisdom, considerate (L+S) adjective

consiliosus [consiliosa -um, consiliosior -or -us, consiliosissimus -a -um]adjective

full of raillery / irony adjective

cavillosus [cavillosa, cavillosum]adjective

full of rays adjective

actinosus [actinosa, actinosum]adjective

full of reeds adjective

harundinosus [harundinosa, harundinosum]adjective

full of rocks adjective

scopulosus [scopulosa, scopulosum]adjective

full-of-rubbish adjective

rudectus [rudecta, rudectum]adjective

full of sand adjective

arenosus [arenosa, arenosum]adjective

full of sap adjective

pubes [(gen.), puberis]adjective

full of sap, vigorous adjective

pubens [(gen.), pubentis]adjective

full of shallows adjective

vadosus [vadosa, vadosum]adjective

full of sleep adjective

somnolentus [somnolenta, somnolentum]adjective

full of smoke, smoky adjective

fumidus [fumida, fumidum]adjective

full of smoke, smoky, smoked adjective

fumosus [fumosa, fumosum]adjective

full of snow, snowy adjective

nivosus [nivosa, nivosum]adjective

full of sores adjective

ulcerosus [ulcerosa, ulcerosum]adjective

full of sorrow adjective

curius [curia, curium]adjective

full of standing water adjective

stagnosus [stagnosa, stagnosum]adjective

full of stratagems or shifts wily cunning, adroit adjective

versutus [versuta, versutum]adjective

full of torture adjective

cruciatorius [cruciatoria, cruciatorium]adjective

full of torture (L+S) adjective

cruciarius [cruciaria, cruciarium]adjective

full of tumult adjective

inquies [(gen.), inquietis]adjective

full of veins adjective

venosus [venosa, venosum]adjective

full of vice, vicious adjective

vitiosus [vitiosa, vitiosum]adjective