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drunk meaning in Latin

drunk [drunker, drunkest] adjective
[UK: drʌŋk]
[US: ˈdrəŋk]

potus [pota, potum]adjective

vinulentus [vinulenta, vinulentum]adjective

drunk, drunken, intoxicated adjective

ebriacus [ebriaca, ebriacum]adjective

drunk, intoxicated adjective

adpotus [adpota, adpotum]adjective

appotus [appota, appotum]adjective

ebrius [ebria, ebrium]adjective

vinolentus [vinolenta, vinolentum]adjective

drunk, tipsy adjective

madidus [madida, madidum]adjective

drunk up, drained adjective

potus [pota, potum]adjective

drunk up / down, drained adjective

epotus [epota, epotum]adjective

drunk w / over fond of wine adjective

vinosus [vinosa, vinosum]adjective

drunken adjective
[UK: ˈdrʌŋkən]
[US: ˈdrʌŋkən]

temulentus [temulenta, temulentum]adjective

drunken with wine adjective

crapulatus [crapulata, crapulatum]adjective

drunkenly adverb
[UK: ˈdrʌŋk.ən.li]
[US: ˈdrʌŋk.ən.li]


drunkenness noun
[UK: ˈdrʌŋkən nəs]
[US: ˈdrʌŋk.ən.nəs]

temulentia [temulentiae](1st) F

drunkenness, intoxication noun

crapula [crapulae](1st) F

ebrietas [ebrietatis](3rd) F

be soaked / drenched / steeped / drunk verb

madefio [madeferi, madefactus sum]verb

being drunk, drunken, intoxicated adjective

potus [pota, potum]adjective

hard drinker, tippler, drunkard noun

bibo [bibonis](3rd) M

bibonius [bibonii](2nd) M

having drunk adjective

potus [pota, potum]adjective

inclined to drunkenness adjective

crapulosus [crapulosa, crapulosum]adjective

inebriated, drunk adjective

deebriatus [deebriata, deebriatum]adjective

inebriated, intoxicated, drunk adjective

crapulatus [crapulata, crapulatum]adjective

intoxicate, make drunk verb

inebrio [inebriare, inebriavi, inebriatus](1st) TRANS

like a drunk, exhilarated, distraught adjective

ebrius [ebria, ebrium]adjective

made drunk adjective

deebriatus [deebriata, deebriatum]adjective

mispronouncing from speech defect / drunkenness adjective

blaesus [blaesa, blaesum]adjective

tipsy, rather drunk adjective

potulentus [potulenta, potulentum]adjective

very drunk, very much intoxicated adjective

crapulentus [crapulenta, crapulentum]adjective

wet / moisten, make wet / moist / drunk verb

madefacio [madefacere, madefeci, madefactus](3rd) TRANS