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burned meaning in Latin

burned adjective
[UK: bɜːnd]
[US: ˈbɝːnd]

inustus [inusta, inustum]adjective

burned by the sun adjective

adustus [adusta, adustum]adjective

burned parts (pl.) noun

inustum [inusti](2nd) N

baked / burned (of bricks) adjective

coctilis [coctilis, coctile]adjective

browned / scorched / charred / burned adjective

adustus [adusta, adustum]adjective

burnable, that may be burned adjective

accensibilis [accensibilis, accensibile]adjective

half-burned adjective

semicrematus [semicremata, semicrematum]adjective

semicremus [semicrema, semicremum]adjective

made / built of / of baked / burned bricks adjective

coctilis [coctilis, coctile]adjective

of / pertaining to place where dead bodies were burned adjective

bustualis [bustualis, bustuale]adjective

place where dead bodies were burned noun

bustar [bustaris](3rd) M

busticetum [busticeti](2nd) N

scorched around, burned around the edges adjective

ambustulatus [ambustulata, ambustulatum]adjective