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bordering meaning in Latin

bordering adjective
[UK: ˈbɔː.dər.ɪŋ]
[US: ˈbɔːr.dər.ɪŋ]

limitaris [limitaris, limitare]adjective

border [bordered, bordering, borders] verb
[UK: ˈbɔː.də(r)]
[US: ˈbɔːr.dər]

circueo [circuire, circuivi(ii), circuitus]verb

circumcirco [circumcircare, circumcircavi, circumcircatus](1st)

circumeo [circumire, circumivi(ii), circumitus]verb

circumio [circumere, -, -](3rd)

praetexo [praetexere, praetexui, praetextus](3rd) TRANS

bordering, adjacent, contiguous, next adjective

continens [continentis (gen.), continentior -or -us, continentissimus -a -um]adjective

bordering on, having a common boundary adjective

conterminus [contermina, conterminum]adjective

bordering upon adjective

collimitaneus [collimitanea, collimitaneum]adjective

conlimitaneus [conlimitanea, conlimitaneum]adjective

contiguus [contigua, contiguum]adjective

boundaries of land bordering on graves adjective

cinerarius [cineraria, cinerarium]adjective

neighboring, adjacent, next, bordering adjective

adfinis [adfinis, adfine]adjective

affinis [affinis, affine]adjective

neighboring, bordering adjective

limitotrophus [limitotropha, limitotrophum]adjective

limitrophis [limitrophis, limitrophe]adjective

limitrophus [limitropha, limitrophum]adjective

neighboring, bordering, adjoining adjective

finitimus [finitima, finitimum]adjective

of / connected with the sea, situated near / bordering on / surrounded by the sea adjective

aecoreus [aecorea, aecoreum]adjective

aequoreus [aequorea, aequoreum]adjective

region bordering on noun

conterminum [contermini](2nd) N

that encircles / bounds (figure), surrounding / bounding / bordering, running around adjective

circumcurrens [(gen.), circumcurrentis]adjective