English-Latin dictionary »

belonging to meaning in Latin

of / belonging to / prescribed for colony, colonial adjective

colonicus [colonica, colonicum]adjective

of / belonging to / resembling a raven adjective

coracicus [coracica, coracicum]adjective

of / belonging to / situated in the region beyond the Alps (from Rome) adjective

Transalpinus [Transalpina, Transalpinum]adjective

of / belonging to / typical of / inhabiting / from a municipium adjective

municipalis [municipalis, municipale]adjective

of / belonging to / typical of a courtesan / prostitute / harlot adjective

meretricius [meretricia, meretricium]adjective

of / belonging to / used in sacred mysteries / rites adjective

mysticus [mystica, mysticum]adjective

of / belonging to a (municipal) decurion (member of municipal senate / councillor) adjective

decurionalis [decurionalis, decurionale]adjective

of / belonging to a brother adjective

fraternus [fraterna, fraternum]adjective

of / belonging to a commissary adjective

primipilaris [primipilaris, primipilare]adjective

primopilaris [primopilaris, primopilare]adjective

of / belonging to a curator / guardian adjective

curatorius [curatoria, curatorium]adjective

of / belonging to a decemvirate (office of decemvir / board of ten) adjective

xviralis [xviralis, xvirale]adjective

of / belonging to a decemvirate (office of decemvir) adjective

decemviralis [decemviralis, decemvirale]adjective

of / belonging to a desultor (circus trick rider) adjective

desultorius [desultoria, desultorium]adjective

of / belonging to a finger (L+S) adjective

digitalis [digitalis, digitale]adjective

of / belonging to a general / commanding officer adjective

imperatorius [imperatoria, imperatorium]adjective

of / belonging to a grandfather adjective

avitus [avita, avitum]adjective

of / belonging to a horse, horse- adjective

canterinus [canterina, canterinum]adjective

cantherinus [cantherina, cantherinum]adjective

of / belonging to a library (either collection of books or the building) adjective

bibliothecalis [bibliothecalis, bibliothecale]adjective

of / belonging to a public / professional prosecutor adjective

accusatorius [accusatoria, accusatorium]adjective

of / belonging to a rhetorician adjective

declamatorius [declamatoria, declamatorium]adjective

of / belonging to a school adjective

scholaris [scholaris, scholare]adjective

of / belonging to a school (of rhetoric / grammar) adjective

scholicus [scholica, scholicum]adjective

of / belonging to a Tullius adjective

Tullianus [Tulliana, Tullianum]adjective

of / belonging to a workman adjective

fabrilis [fabrilis, fabrile]adjective

of / belonging to all / the whole, entire adjective

universalus [universala -um, universalior -or -us, universalissimus -a -um]adjective

of / belonging to an auctioneer adjective

praeconius [praeconia, praeconium]adjective

of / belonging to an enemy adjective

hostilis [hostilis, hostile]adjective

of / belonging to an informer adjective

delatorius [delatoria, delatorium]adjective

of / belonging to an overseer adjective

curatoricius [curatoricia, curatoricium]adjective

curatoritius [curatoritia, curatoritium]adjective

of / belonging to bees adjective

apianus [apiana, apianum]adjective

of / belonging to carrier / porter (e.g., a sedan chair) adjective

bajulatorius [bajulatoria, bajulatorium]adjective

of / belonging to Carthage, Carthaginian adjective

Carthaginiensis [Carthaginiensis, Carthaginiense]adjective

of / belonging to crossroads temple, esp. sacred to Diana / Hecate adjective

trivius [trivia, trivium]adjective

of / belonging to cursing adjective

execribilis [execribile, execribilior -or -us, execribilissimus -a -um]adjective

exsecribilis [exsecribile, exsecribilior -or -us, exsecribilissimus -a -um]adjective

of / belonging to customs officer adjective

telonicus [telonica, telonicum]adjective

of / belonging to cypress trees adjective

cupresseus [cupressea, cupresseum]adjective


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