English | Italian |
liceity (legitimacy of an act) noun | liceitànoun |
license [licenses] (legal document giving official permission to do something) noun [UK: ˈlaɪsns] [US: ˈlaɪ.səns] | licenzanoun permessonoun |
license plate (an identifying plate attached to a vehicle) noun [UK: ˈlaɪsns pleɪt] [US: ˈlaɪ.səns ˈpleɪt] | targanoun |
licentious (lacking restraint, particularly in sexual conduct) adjective [UK: laɪ.ˈsen.ʃəs] [US: laɪ.ˈsen.tʃəs] | boccaccescoadjective dissolutoadjective impudicoadjective lascivoadjective libertinoadjective licenziosoadjective scostumatoadjective |
licentiousness (Property of being licentious) noun [UK: laɪ.ˈsen.ʃə.snəs] [US: laɪ.ˈsen.ʃə.snəs] | licenziositànoun |
accomplice [accomplices] (associate in the commission of a crime) noun [UK: əˈk.ʌm.plɪs] [US: əˈk.ɑːm.pləs] | basistanoun complicenoun correanoun correonoun |
accomplice [accomplices] (cooperator) noun [UK: əˈk.ʌm.plɪs] [US: əˈk.ɑːm.pləs] | coadiuvantenoun collaboratorenoun |
Alice (female given name) proper noun [UK: ˈæ.lɪs] [US: ˈæ.ləs] | Aliceproper noun |
artistic licence (any departure from fact or convention by an artist) noun | licenza poeticanoun |
body louse [body lice] (parasitic insect Pediculus humanus corporis) noun [UK: ˈbɒ.di laʊs] [US: ˈbɑː.di ˈlaʊs] | amico per la pellenoun piattolanoun |
call the police phrase | chiami la poliziaphrase |
chalice [chalices] (large drinking cup) noun [UK: ˈtʃæ.lɪs] [US: ˈtʃæ.ləs] | calicenoun |
chelicera noun | cheliceronoun |
chelicerate noun | cheliceratonoun |
crab louse [crab lice] (insect) noun [UK: kræb laʊs] [US: ˈkræb ˈlaʊs] | piattolanoun pidocchio del pubenoun |
driver's license (documenting permitting a person to drive) noun [UK: ˈdraɪ.vərz ˈlaɪsns] [US: ˈdraɪ.vərz ˈlaɪ.səns] | patente di guidanoun |
duplex [duplices] (house) noun [UK: ˈdjuː.pleks] [US: ˈduː.ˌpleks] | bifamiliarenoun |
fortalice (a small fortress) noun [UK: fˈɔːtəlˌɪs] [US: fˈɔːrɾəlˌɪs] | fortilizionoun |
head louse [head lice] (insect) noun [UK: hed laʊs hed laɪs] [US: ˈhed ˈlaʊs ˈhed ˈlaɪs] | pidocchio del caponoun |
helix [helices] (curve) noun [UK: ˈhiː.lɪks] [US: ˈhiː.lɪks] | elicanoun |
malice (intention to harm) noun [UK: ˈmæ.lɪs] [US: ˈmæ.ləs] | cattiverianoun malanimonoun malignitànoun malizianoun |
poetic licence (departure from convention) noun [UK: pəʊ.ˈe.tɪk ˈlaɪsns] [US: poʊ.ˈe.tɪk ˈlaɪ.səns] | licenza poeticanoun |
poisoned chalice (something initially regarded as advantageous but which is later recognized to be disadvantageous or harmful) noun | regalo avvelenatonoun |
police [police] (local or general law enforcement agency) noun [UK: pə.ˈliːs] [US: pə.ˈliːs] | forza pubblicanoun |