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due to meaning in German

due to [UK: djuː tuː ˈsʌm.θɪŋ]
[US: ˈduː ˈtuː ˈsʌm.θɪŋ]


infolge [+GEN]◼◼◻

due to banks noun

die BankverpflichtungenSubstantiv

die NostroverpflichtungenSubstantiv

due to circumstances


due to economic factors


due to illness


absence due to illness noun

das krankheitsbedingtes FehlenSubstantiv

allergic purpura due to chinin noun

die Cocktailparty-PurpuraSubstantiv

asthma due to flour inhalation


collapse due to exertion noun

der BelastungskollapsSubstantiv

damage to trees due to heavy snow noun

der Schneebruch [des Schneebruches, des Schneebruchs; die Schneebrüche]Substantiv

drop in the birth rate due to the pill noun

der Pillenknick [des Pillenknicks; —]Substantiv

early retiree due to ill health noun

der FrühinvalideSubstantiv

early retirement due to ill health noun

die FrühinvaliditätSubstantiv

eczema due to chromium salts noun

das ChromekzemSubstantiv

edema due to hypernatremia


He's due to arrive at ten.

Er soll um zehn Uhr ankommen.

He's due to be here soon.

Er muss bald hier sein.

hypertension due to vascular resistance noun

der WiderstandshochdruckSubstantiv

It's due to him.

Es ist ihm zu verdanken.

mistake due to mishearing noun

der Hörfehler [des Hörfehlers; die Hörfehler]Substantiv

slippery roads due to surface water noun

die Wasserglätte [der Wasserglätte; —]Substantiv