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postpone meaning in French

postpone [postponed, postponing, postpones] (to delay or put off an event)
[UK: pə.ˈspəʊn]
[US: postˈpoʊn]

reporter◼◼◼verbeThe game has been postponed. = Le match a été reporté.

différer [decision]◼◼◼verbe

remettre◼◼◻verbeI postponed the event. = Je remis la manifestation.

repousser◼◼◻verbeThe event has been postponed. = L'évènement a été repoussé.

postposer [Belgium]◼◼◻verbeHe has postponed his departure until tomorrow. = Il a postposé son départ à demain.

postponed (done later than originally planned; delayed)
[UK: pə.ˈspəʊnd]
[US: postˈpoʊnd]

reporté◼◼◼adjectifThe game has been postponed. = Le match a été reporté.

remis à plus tard◼◼◻adjectif

postponement [postponements] (the state of being adjourned)
[UK: pə.ˈspəʊn.mənt]
[US: postˈpoʊn.mənt]

ajournement◼◼◼nom {m}