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nomad meaning in French

nomad [nomads] (a member of society or class who wander with their herds)
[UK: ˈnəʊ.mæd]
[US: ˈnoʊ.mæd]

nomade◼◼◼nom {m} nom {f}They're nomads. = Ce sont des nomades.

nomadic (of or relating to any habitually wandering person)
[UK: nəʊ.ˈmæ.dɪk]
[US: noʊ.ˈmæ.dɪk]

nomade◼◼◼adjectifNomadic peoples follow the water and grazing land. = Les peuples nomades suivent l'eau et les pâturages.

nomadic (of or relating to itinerant herdsmen)
[UK: nəʊ.ˈmæ.dɪk]
[US: noʊ.ˈmæ.dɪk]

nomade◼◼◼adjectifNomadic peoples follow the water and grazing land. = Les peuples nomades suivent l'eau et les pâturages.