English-Dutch dictionary »

-y meaning in Dutch

-graphy (Suffix denoting a written or represented in the specified manner, or about a specified subject)


-hood (condition or state)


-ian (having a profession)


-ian (related to)


-ible (able to be done)


-ible (relevant or suitable to, in accordance with)




various suffixes: -ig

-ic (Note: these translations are a guide only. For more precise translations, see individual words ending in -ic)


-ide (any of a group of related compounds)


-ide (any of a group of several elements)


-in-law (related through marriage)


-ing (act of doing something)

nominalization of the infinitive{f}

-ing (materials, systems of objects)



-ing (to form gerunds)


-ing (to form present participles)


-ish (appended to numbers)


-ish (appended to roots denoting names of nations or regions)



-ish (appended to words)



-ism (a principle, belief or movement)
[UK: ˈɪ.zəm]
[US: ˈɪ.zəm]


-ist (One who follows a particular ideology, doctrine, belief system or theory)


-ite (used to form names of minerals and rocks)


-itis (suffix denoting diseases characterized by inflammation)


-ity (Used to form nouns from adjectives.)



-ive (adjectival suffix: of the nature of; tending to)



-less (lacking)
[UK: les]
[US: ˈles]



-like (having some of the characteristics of (used to form adjectives from nouns))


-ling (Diminutive)





-logical (used to form adjectival forms of nouns)


-logist (person who studies or is an expert in the related -logy)
